I am planning to make a breathing sensor (to check for breathing movements)
by strapping an elastic band around the chest and attaching a "stretch
sensor" to it that varies its characteruistics, such as resistence,
according to how much it is stretched and then recoils when the patient
exhales . I think somethig like that must exist as it should be something
like a modified potentiometer. But I don't know its name or where to find
one with the characteristics I need.
Can somebody point me in the right direction?
by strapping an elastic band around the chest and attaching a "stretch
sensor" to it that varies its characteruistics, such as resistence,
according to how much it is stretched and then recoils when the patient
exhales . I think somethig like that must exist as it should be something
like a modified potentiometer. But I don't know its name or where to find
one with the characteristics I need.
Can somebody point me in the right direction?