If anyone is in a creative mood, I could use some help, and this group
seems like the perfect place/people to ask. I'm writing a short story
for middle readers about a boy who loves to take apart and fix things.
In the story, his friend asks him to try to secretly fix a DVD player
of his sister's that he has accidentally broken, and this is where I
could use some help with regards to authenticity! I need a
logical/common problem with DVD players that someone (who thinks they
are an expert but isn't) might try to fix on their own, yet in the end
only make things worse. In other words, what might have been a
simple/cheap repair for a repair technician escalates into a repair
job that isn't worth doing i.e. would cost more to fix than the
product is worth.
Any ideas? This is loosely based on my 8-year-old son who loves to
take apart EVERYTHING in our house, yet so far we have managed to keep
our DVD player intact after instituting the 'Nothing with a Plug' rule
in our house.
Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated.
seems like the perfect place/people to ask. I'm writing a short story
for middle readers about a boy who loves to take apart and fix things.
In the story, his friend asks him to try to secretly fix a DVD player
of his sister's that he has accidentally broken, and this is where I
could use some help with regards to authenticity! I need a
logical/common problem with DVD players that someone (who thinks they
are an expert but isn't) might try to fix on their own, yet in the end
only make things worse. In other words, what might have been a
simple/cheap repair for a repair technician escalates into a repair
job that isn't worth doing i.e. would cost more to fix than the
product is worth.
Any ideas? This is loosely based on my 8-year-old son who loves to
take apart EVERYTHING in our house, yet so far we have managed to keep
our DVD player intact after instituting the 'Nothing with a Plug' rule
in our house.
Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated.