ADSL questions.

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Greetings group.
I have a friend who is trying to set up a ADSL service, but it is not
working. Bigpond say the problem is at the customers end.

If another computer + ADSL modem that is already working on another
phone line in another house is brought to my friends house, will it
work without changing any settings?

Can anyone suggest any other kind of test to find out where the problem
may be?

Russell. wrote:
Greetings group.
I have a friend who is trying to set up a ADSL service, but it is not
working. Bigpond say the problem is at the customers end.

Can anyone suggest any other kind of test to find out where the problem
may be?
Define 'not working'. Did blue smoke escape? Did it get a connection but
you can't transfer information? What have you tried? What happened when
you tried it?

Rick Measham
On 24 May 2006 05:53:08 -0700, ""
<> put finger to keyboard and composed:

Greetings group.
I have a friend who is trying to set up a ADSL service, but it is not
working. Bigpond say the problem is at the customers end.

If another computer + ADSL modem that is already working on another
phone line in another house is brought to my friends house, will it
work without changing any settings?

Can anyone suggest any other kind of test to find out where the problem
may be?

Many (all?) ADSL modems have built-in diagnostics and event logs that
you can access from a browser interface. If you can identify the make
and model, maybe someone will be able to point you in the right

- Franc Zabkar
Please remove one 'i' from my address when replying by email. wrote:
Greetings group.
I have a friend who is trying to set up a ADSL service, but it is not
working. Bigpond say the problem is at the customers end.

If another computer + ADSL modem that is already working on another
phone line in another house is brought to my friends house, will it
work without changing any settings?

Can anyone suggest any other kind of test to find out where the problem
may be?

Don't type, copy & paste! (somehow "Don't
walk, run!" didn't seem appropriate ;-)

Plenty of forums to answer your questions, even down to specific
router/modem makes & models.

On 24 May 2006 05:53:08 -0700, ""
<> wrote:

Greetings group.
I have a friend who is trying to set up a ADSL service, but it is not
working. Bigpond say the problem is at the customers end.

If another computer + ADSL modem that is already working on another
phone line in another house is brought to my friends house, will it
work without changing any settings?

Can anyone suggest any other kind of test to find out where the problem
may be?

As long as the modem is connected to the same ISP (some ISPs such as
Optarse and Bigpuddle require special firmware settings/features) then
there "shouldn't" be a problem doing such, however I will make no

Also, take note that aus.computers would be a more relative group for
this topic as it is more to do with the subject of computers than
At the time I sent the first post, I had not been at my friends house.
From what I was told, a light on the ADSL modem should have lit when it
was plugged into the phone line, but it did not.

The problem has been solved, the trouble was at telstra's end.


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