I need to make a small-gain amplifier with extremely
high impedance. Because of the latter requirement, I've
chosen the TL08x opamp in a non-inverting configuration:
---------------------- + |
TL08x --*-------------
.-- - | |
| | |
| -5V |
| |
| 10K
Input | Output
\ 20K
The gain of the above circuit will be x3.
I would really appreciate adding some offset, so
that e.g. Output=(Input+0.1)*3, but at the same
time I cannot give up on the high impedance and
non-inverting configuration. Also, I'd like to do
it using these TL08x parts, just because I have
plenty of them.
The following circuit seemed to work well (but all
the equipment I had to test it was a multimeter and
a voltage source):
---------------------- + |
TL08x --*-------------
.-- - | |
| | |
| -5V |
| |
+5V --/\/\/\/---*---/\/\/\/---'
20K | 10K
Input | Output
-5V --/\/\/\/---'
Now my problems are:
1) Does it *really* work well? It seems so at least!
But I don't have neither the equipment nor the
theoretical background to make sure it really is.
2) How do I calculate the gain now?
3) How do I calculate the offset now?
I.e. calculate the values of the 3 resistor for a
formula like:
(or any other values)
I need to make a small-gain amplifier with extremely
high impedance. Because of the latter requirement, I've
chosen the TL08x opamp in a non-inverting configuration:
---------------------- + |
TL08x --*-------------
.-- - | |
| | |
| -5V |
| |
| 10K
Input | Output
\ 20K
The gain of the above circuit will be x3.
I would really appreciate adding some offset, so
that e.g. Output=(Input+0.1)*3, but at the same
time I cannot give up on the high impedance and
non-inverting configuration. Also, I'd like to do
it using these TL08x parts, just because I have
plenty of them.
The following circuit seemed to work well (but all
the equipment I had to test it was a multimeter and
a voltage source):
---------------------- + |
TL08x --*-------------
.-- - | |
| | |
| -5V |
| |
+5V --/\/\/\/---*---/\/\/\/---'
20K | 10K
Input | Output
-5V --/\/\/\/---'
Now my problems are:
1) Does it *really* work well? It seems so at least!
But I don't have neither the equipment nor the
theoretical background to make sure it really is.
2) How do I calculate the gain now?
3) How do I calculate the offset now?
I.e. calculate the values of the 3 resistor for a
formula like:
(or any other values)