I am planing to use an analog accelerometer ( ADXL330KCPZ) in a
project. And i have following questions
1. The accelerometer will place flat on the table. How can I get or
calculate the angle information from the three outputs of the
accelerometer? I will read the outputs via 12 bit analog to digital
converter. So, there will be three numbers of 12 bit data.
2. How can I calbriate the readings? For example, the accelerometer
is no longer on the flat table but installed on the wall, the
reference has changed.
Please advice!
I am planing to use an analog accelerometer ( ADXL330KCPZ) in a
project. And i have following questions
1. The accelerometer will place flat on the table. How can I get or
calculate the angle information from the three outputs of the
accelerometer? I will read the outputs via 12 bit analog to digital
converter. So, there will be three numbers of 12 bit data.
2. How can I calbriate the readings? For example, the accelerometer
is no longer on the flat table but installed on the wall, the
reference has changed.
Please advice!