Accelerating Face Detection on Zynq-7020 Using High Level Sy


yuning he

Hello, here is my question:
Purpose: realize face detection on zynq-7020 SoC
Platform: Zedboard with OV5640 camera
Completed work: capturing video from camera, writing into DDR for storage and reading from DDR for display
Question: how to realize a face detection IP and its throughput can reach 30fps(pixel 320*240)

Here are my jobs:
Base on the Viola Jones algorithm, using HLS(high level synthesis) tool to realize hardware IP from a C++ design
And this is my reference:

I have simulate and synthesize it into hardware IP, but its throughput does not reach the goal because the interval and latency are very large. (latency is 338(min) to 576593236(max), interval is 336(min) to 142310514002(max))
Looking into the code, I find the latency is mainly caused by the following for loops, but I don't know how to optimize the latency compromising between area.

So you may help me a lot with these:
1.Another way to realize face detection on zynq-7020?
2.How to test the throughput of my system and the relation between real throughput and the synthesis result?
3.Any way to optimize the following for loops?

Looking forward to your reply. Please feel free to contact me at anytime.

imageScalerL1: for ( i = 0 ; i < IMAGE_HEIGHT ; i++ ){
imageScalerL1_1: for (j=0;j < IMAGE_WIDTH ;j++) {
#pragma HLS pipeline
if ( j < w2 && i < h2 )
IMG1_data[j] = Data[(i*y_ratio)>>16][(j*x_ratio)>>16];
Pixely: for( y = 0; y < sum_row; y++ ){
Pixelx: for ( x = 0; x < sum_col; x++ ){
/* Updates for Integral Image Window Buffer (I) */
SetIIu: for ( u = 0; u < WINDOW_SIZE; u++){
#pragma HLS unroll
SetIIj: for ( v = 0; v < WINDOW_SIZE; v++ ){
#pragma HLS unroll
II[v] = II[v] + ( I[v+1] - I[0] );

/* Updates for Square Image Window Buffer (SI) */
SII[0][0] = SII[0][0] + ( SI[0][1] - SI[0][0] );
SII[0][1] = SII[0][1] + ( SI[0][WINDOW_SIZE] - SI[0][0] );
SII[1][0] = SII[1][0] + ( SI[WINDOW_SIZE-1][1] - SI[WINDOW_SIZE-1][0] );
SII[1][1] = SII[1][1] + ( SI[WINDOW_SIZE-1][WINDOW_SIZE] - SI[WINDOW_SIZE-1][0] );

/* Updates for Image Window Buffer (I) and Square Image Window Bufer (SI) */
SetIj: for( j = 0; j < 2*WINDOW_SIZE-1; j++){
#pragma HLS unroll
SetIi: for( i = 0; i < WINDOW_SIZE; i++ ){
#pragma HLS unroll
if( i+j != 2*WINDOW_SIZE-1 ){
I[j] = I[j+1];
SI[j] = SI[j+1];
else if ( i > 0 ){
I[j] = I[j+1] + I[i-1][j+1];
SI[j] = SI[j+1] + SI[i-1][j+1];
// Last column of the I[][] and SI[][] matrix
Ilast: for( i = 0; i < WINDOW_SIZE-1; i++ ){
#pragma HLS unroll
I[2*WINDOW_SIZE-1] = L[x];
SI[2*WINDOW_SIZE-1] = L[x]*L[x];
I[WINDOW_SIZE-1][2*WINDOW_SIZE-1] = IMG1_data[y][x];
SI[WINDOW_SIZE-1][2*WINDOW_SIZE-1] = IMG1_data[y][x]*IMG1_data[y][x];

/** Updates for Image Line Buffer (L) **/
LineBuf: for( k = 0; k < WINDOW_SIZE-2; k++ ){
#pragma HLS unroll
L[k][x] = L[k+1][x];
L[WINDOW_SIZE-2][x] = IMG1_data[y][x];

/* Pass the Integral Image Window buffer through Cascaded Classifier. Only pass
* when the integral image window buffer has flushed out the initial garbage data */
if ( element_counter >= ( ( (WINDOW_SIZE-1)*sum_col + WINDOW_SIZE ) + WINDOW_SIZE -1 ) ) {

/* Sliding Window should not go beyond the boundary */
if ( x_index < ( sum_col - (WINDOW_SIZE-1) ) && y_index < ( sum_row - (WINDOW_SIZE-1) ) ){
p.x = x_index;
p.y = y_index;

result = cascadeClassifier ( p, II, SII );

if ( result > 0 )
MyRect r = {myRound(p.x*factor), myRound(p.y*factor), winSize.width, winSize.height};
}// inner if
if ( x_index < sum_col-1 )
x_index = x_index + 1;
x_index = 0;
y_index = y_index + 1;
} // outer if
element_counter +=1;
yuning he wrote:
Hello, here is my question:
Purpose: realize face detection on zynq-7020 SoC
Platform: Zedboard with OV5640 camera
Completed work: capturing video from camera, writing into DDR for storage and reading from DDR for display
Question: how to realize a face detection IP and its throughput can reach 30fps(pixel 320*240)

Here are my jobs:
Base on the Viola Jones algorithm, using HLS(high level synthesis) tool to realize hardware IP from a C++ design
And this is my reference:

I have simulate and synthesize it into hardware IP, but its throughput does not reach the goal because the interval and latency are very large. (latency is 338(min) to 576593236(max), interval is 336(min) to 142310514002(max))
Looking into the code, I find the latency is mainly caused by the following for loops, but I don't know how to optimize the latency compromising between area.

So you may help me a lot with these:
1.Another way to realize face detection on zynq-7020?
2.How to test the throughput of my system and the relation between real throughput and the synthesis result?
3.Any way to optimize the following for loops?

Looking forward to your reply. Please feel free to contact me at anytime.

imageScalerL1: for ( i = 0 ; i < IMAGE_HEIGHT ; i++ ){
imageScalerL1_1: for (j=0;j < IMAGE_WIDTH ;j++) {
#pragma HLS pipeline
if ( j < w2 && i < h2 )
IMG1_data[j] = Data[(i*y_ratio)>>16][(j*x_ratio)>>16];
Pixely: for( y = 0; y < sum_row; y++ ){
Pixelx: for ( x = 0; x < sum_col; x++ ){
/* Updates for Integral Image Window Buffer (I) */
SetIIu: for ( u = 0; u < WINDOW_SIZE; u++){
#pragma HLS unroll
SetIIj: for ( v = 0; v < WINDOW_SIZE; v++ ){
#pragma HLS unroll
II[v] = II[v] + ( I[v+1] - I[0] );

/* Updates for Square Image Window Buffer (SI) */
SII[0][0] = SII[0][0] + ( SI[0][1] - SI[0][0] );
SII[0][1] = SII[0][1] + ( SI[0][WINDOW_SIZE] - SI[0][0] );
SII[1][0] = SII[1][0] + ( SI[WINDOW_SIZE-1][1] - SI[WINDOW_SIZE-1][0] );
SII[1][1] = SII[1][1] + ( SI[WINDOW_SIZE-1][WINDOW_SIZE] - SI[WINDOW_SIZE-1][0] );

/* Updates for Image Window Buffer (I) and Square Image Window Bufer (SI) */
SetIj: for( j = 0; j < 2*WINDOW_SIZE-1; j++){
#pragma HLS unroll
SetIi: for( i = 0; i < WINDOW_SIZE; i++ ){
#pragma HLS unroll
if( i+j != 2*WINDOW_SIZE-1 ){
I[j] = I[j+1];
SI[j] = SI[j+1];
else if ( i > 0 ){
I[j] = I[j+1] + I[i-1][j+1];
SI[j] = SI[j+1] + SI[i-1][j+1];
// Last column of the I[][] and SI[][] matrix
Ilast: for( i = 0; i < WINDOW_SIZE-1; i++ ){
#pragma HLS unroll
I[2*WINDOW_SIZE-1] = L[x];
SI[2*WINDOW_SIZE-1] = L[x]*L[x];
I[WINDOW_SIZE-1][2*WINDOW_SIZE-1] = IMG1_data[y][x];
SI[WINDOW_SIZE-1][2*WINDOW_SIZE-1] = IMG1_data[y][x]*IMG1_data[y][x];

/** Updates for Image Line Buffer (L) **/
LineBuf: for( k = 0; k < WINDOW_SIZE-2; k++ ){
#pragma HLS unroll
L[k][x] = L[k+1][x];
L[WINDOW_SIZE-2][x] = IMG1_data[y][x];

/* Pass the Integral Image Window buffer through Cascaded Classifier. Only pass
* when the integral image window buffer has flushed out the initial garbage data */
if ( element_counter >= ( ( (WINDOW_SIZE-1)*sum_col + WINDOW_SIZE ) + WINDOW_SIZE -1 ) ) {

/* Sliding Window should not go beyond the boundary */
if ( x_index < ( sum_col - (WINDOW_SIZE-1) ) && y_index < ( sum_row - (WINDOW_SIZE-1) ) ){
p.x = x_index;
p.y = y_index;

result = cascadeClassifier ( p, II, SII );

if ( result > 0 )
MyRect r = {myRound(p.x*factor), myRound(p.y*factor), winSize.width, winSize.height};
}// inner if
if ( x_index < sum_col-1 )
x_index = x_index + 1;
x_index = 0;
y_index = y_index + 1;
} // outer if
element_counter +=1;

Verilog is not my forte, but I think arrays are arrays. In the initial
loop you are retrieving the data from
Data[(i*y_ratio)>>16][(j*x_ratio)>>16]. The range of one index is 0 to
IMAGE_HEIGHT-1 and the other is 0 to IMAGE_WIDTH-1. I can never recall
which is the inner index and which is the outer, but the math involved
in calculating the address of the data is simpler if the inner index
range is a binary power. Is that the case? If not, you can achieve the
simplification by declaring the inner index to have a range which is a
binary power, but only use a subrange that you need. The cost is wasted
memory, but it will improve performance and size because the address
calculation will not require multiplication, but rather shifts which are
done by mapping the index to the right address lines.


Rick C
Looking into the code, I find the latency is mainly caused by the following for loops, but I don't know how to optimize the latency compromising between area.

You're not meeting timing, which means you probably need to go look at the schematic of the critical paths. How many levels are they? How are the multipliers being synthesized? Are they using DSP48s or fabric? As a rule, the more abstract a synthesis tool is, the worse the synthesis results will be.

Also, where is "Data[]"? Is that a blockRAM? Or is it DRAM? If you're accessing DRAM directly without a cache, you might have problems.
On 05/23/2017 11:21 AM, Kevin Neilson wrote:
As a rule, the more abstract a synthesis tool is, the worse the synthesis results will be.

Sorry, I just walked back from lunch through a small horde of web
developers, and was trying to envision the looks on their faces as C was
referred to as being much too high level.

Rob Gaddi, Highland Technology --
Email address domain is currently out of order. See above to fix.
Thank you for your reply.

The timing can meet when I slow down the clk to be 100MHz.
The mutipliers are synthesized by DSP48s automatically.
And "Data[]" is saved by BlockRAM dircetly.
在 2017年5月23日星期二 UTC+8下午3:11:40,rickman写道:
yuning he wrote:
Hello, here is my question:
Purpose: realize face detection on zynq-7020 SoC
Platform: Zedboard with OV5640 camera
Completed work: capturing video from camera, writing into DDR for storage and reading from DDR for display
Question: how to realize a face detection IP and its throughput can reach 30fps(pixel 320*240)

Here are my jobs:
Base on the Viola Jones algorithm, using HLS(high level synthesis) tool to realize hardware IP from a C++ design
And this is my reference:

I have simulate and synthesize it into hardware IP, but its throughput does not reach the goal because the interval and latency are very large. (latency is 338(min) to 576593236(max), interval is 336(min) to 142310514002(max))
Looking into the code, I find the latency is mainly caused by the following for loops, but I don't know how to optimize the latency compromising between area.

So you may help me a lot with these:
1.Another way to realize face detection on zynq-7020?
2.How to test the throughput of my system and the relation between real throughput and the synthesis result?
3.Any way to optimize the following for loops?

Looking forward to your reply. Please feel free to contact me at anytime.

imageScalerL1: for ( i = 0 ; i < IMAGE_HEIGHT ; i++ ){
imageScalerL1_1: for (j=0;j < IMAGE_WIDTH ;j++) {
#pragma HLS pipeline
if ( j < w2 && i < h2 )
IMG1_data[j] = Data[(i*y_ratio)>>16][(j*x_ratio)>>16];
Pixely: for( y = 0; y < sum_row; y++ ){
Pixelx: for ( x = 0; x < sum_col; x++ ){
/* Updates for Integral Image Window Buffer (I) */
SetIIu: for ( u = 0; u < WINDOW_SIZE; u++){
#pragma HLS unroll
SetIIj: for ( v = 0; v < WINDOW_SIZE; v++ ){
#pragma HLS unroll
II[v] = II[v] + ( I[v+1] - I[0] );

/* Updates for Square Image Window Buffer (SI) */
SII[0][0] = SII[0][0] + ( SI[0][1] - SI[0][0] );
SII[0][1] = SII[0][1] + ( SI[0][WINDOW_SIZE] - SI[0][0] );
SII[1][0] = SII[1][0] + ( SI[WINDOW_SIZE-1][1] - SI[WINDOW_SIZE-1][0] );
SII[1][1] = SII[1][1] + ( SI[WINDOW_SIZE-1][WINDOW_SIZE] - SI[WINDOW_SIZE-1][0] );

/* Updates for Image Window Buffer (I) and Square Image Window Bufer (SI) */
SetIj: for( j = 0; j < 2*WINDOW_SIZE-1; j++){
#pragma HLS unroll
SetIi: for( i = 0; i < WINDOW_SIZE; i++ ){
#pragma HLS unroll
if( i+j != 2*WINDOW_SIZE-1 ){
I[j] = I[j+1];
SI[j] = SI[j+1];
else if ( i > 0 ){
I[j] = I[j+1] + I[i-1][j+1];
SI[j] = SI[j+1] + SI[i-1][j+1];
// Last column of the I[][] and SI[][] matrix
Ilast: for( i = 0; i < WINDOW_SIZE-1; i++ ){
#pragma HLS unroll
I[2*WINDOW_SIZE-1] = L[x];
SI[2*WINDOW_SIZE-1] = L[x]*L[x];
I[WINDOW_SIZE-1][2*WINDOW_SIZE-1] = IMG1_data[y][x];
SI[WINDOW_SIZE-1][2*WINDOW_SIZE-1] = IMG1_data[y][x]*IMG1_data[y][x];

/** Updates for Image Line Buffer (L) **/
LineBuf: for( k = 0; k < WINDOW_SIZE-2; k++ ){
#pragma HLS unroll
L[k][x] = L[k+1][x];
L[WINDOW_SIZE-2][x] = IMG1_data[y][x];

/* Pass the Integral Image Window buffer through Cascaded Classifier. Only pass
* when the integral image window buffer has flushed out the initial garbage data */
if ( element_counter >= ( ( (WINDOW_SIZE-1)*sum_col + WINDOW_SIZE ) + WINDOW_SIZE -1 ) ) {

/* Sliding Window should not go beyond the boundary */
if ( x_index < ( sum_col - (WINDOW_SIZE-1) ) && y_index < ( sum_row - (WINDOW_SIZE-1) ) ){
p.x = x_index;
p.y = y_index;

result = cascadeClassifier ( p, II, SII );

if ( result > 0 )
MyRect r = {myRound(p.x*factor), myRound(p.y*factor), winSize.width, winSize.height};
}// inner if
if ( x_index < sum_col-1 )
x_index = x_index + 1;
x_index = 0;
y_index = y_index + 1;
} // outer if
element_counter +=1;

Verilog is not my forte, but I think arrays are arrays. In the initial
loop you are retrieving the data from
Data[(i*y_ratio)>>16][(j*x_ratio)>>16]. The range of one index is 0 to
IMAGE_HEIGHT-1 and the other is 0 to IMAGE_WIDTH-1. I can never recall
which is the inner index and which is the outer, but the math involved
in calculating the address of the data is simpler if the inner index
range is a binary power. Is that the case? If not, you can achieve the
simplification by declaring the inner index to have a range which is a
binary power, but only use a subrange that you need. The cost is wasted
memory, but it will improve performance and size because the address
calculation will not require multiplication, but rather shifts which are
done by mapping the index to the right address lines.


Rick C

Thank you for your reply.
Here IMAGE_HEIGHT equals to 240, and IMAGE_WIDTH equals to 320.According to your advice, I can change the inner index of the array to be a binary power to accelerate the address access. Is this right?
yuning he wrote:
在 2017年5月23日星期二 UTC+8下午3:11:40,rickman写道:
yuning he wrote:
Hello, here is my question:
Purpose: realize face detection on zynq-7020 SoC
Platform: Zedboard with OV5640 camera
Completed work: capturing video from camera, writing into DDR for storage and reading from DDR for display
Question: how to realize a face detection IP and its throughput can reach 30fps(pixel 320*240)

Here are my jobs:
Base on the Viola Jones algorithm, using HLS(high level synthesis) tool to realize hardware IP from a C++ design
And this is my reference:

I have simulate and synthesize it into hardware IP, but its throughput does not reach the goal because the interval and latency are very large. (latency is 338(min) to 576593236(max), interval is 336(min) to 142310514002(max))
Looking into the code, I find the latency is mainly caused by the following for loops, but I don't know how to optimize the latency compromising between area.

So you may help me a lot with these:
1.Another way to realize face detection on zynq-7020?
2.How to test the throughput of my system and the relation between real throughput and the synthesis result?
3.Any way to optimize the following for loops?

Looking forward to your reply. Please feel free to contact me at anytime.

imageScalerL1: for ( i = 0 ; i < IMAGE_HEIGHT ; i++ ){
imageScalerL1_1: for (j=0;j < IMAGE_WIDTH ;j++) {
#pragma HLS pipeline
if ( j < w2 && i < h2 )
IMG1_data[j] = Data[(i*y_ratio)>>16][(j*x_ratio)>>16];
Pixely: for( y = 0; y < sum_row; y++ ){
Pixelx: for ( x = 0; x < sum_col; x++ ){
/* Updates for Integral Image Window Buffer (I) */
SetIIu: for ( u = 0; u < WINDOW_SIZE; u++){
#pragma HLS unroll
SetIIj: for ( v = 0; v < WINDOW_SIZE; v++ ){
#pragma HLS unroll
II[v] = II[v] + ( I[v+1] - I[0] );

/* Updates for Square Image Window Buffer (SI) */
SII[0][0] = SII[0][0] + ( SI[0][1] - SI[0][0] );
SII[0][1] = SII[0][1] + ( SI[0][WINDOW_SIZE] - SI[0][0] );
SII[1][0] = SII[1][0] + ( SI[WINDOW_SIZE-1][1] - SI[WINDOW_SIZE-1][0] );
SII[1][1] = SII[1][1] + ( SI[WINDOW_SIZE-1][WINDOW_SIZE] - SI[WINDOW_SIZE-1][0] );

/* Updates for Image Window Buffer (I) and Square Image Window Bufer (SI) */
SetIj: for( j = 0; j < 2*WINDOW_SIZE-1; j++){
#pragma HLS unroll
SetIi: for( i = 0; i < WINDOW_SIZE; i++ ){
#pragma HLS unroll
if( i+j != 2*WINDOW_SIZE-1 ){
I[j] = I[j+1];
SI[j] = SI[j+1];
else if ( i > 0 ){
I[j] = I[j+1] + I[i-1][j+1];
SI[j] = SI[j+1] + SI[i-1][j+1];
// Last column of the I[][] and SI[][] matrix
Ilast: for( i = 0; i < WINDOW_SIZE-1; i++ ){
#pragma HLS unroll
I[2*WINDOW_SIZE-1] = L[x];
SI[2*WINDOW_SIZE-1] = L[x]*L[x];
I[WINDOW_SIZE-1][2*WINDOW_SIZE-1] = IMG1_data[y][x];
SI[WINDOW_SIZE-1][2*WINDOW_SIZE-1] = IMG1_data[y][x]*IMG1_data[y][x];

/** Updates for Image Line Buffer (L) **/
LineBuf: for( k = 0; k < WINDOW_SIZE-2; k++ ){
#pragma HLS unroll
L[k][x] = L[k+1][x];
L[WINDOW_SIZE-2][x] = IMG1_data[y][x];

/* Pass the Integral Image Window buffer through Cascaded Classifier. Only pass
* when the integral image window buffer has flushed out the initial garbage data */
if ( element_counter >= ( ( (WINDOW_SIZE-1)*sum_col + WINDOW_SIZE ) + WINDOW_SIZE -1 ) ) {

/* Sliding Window should not go beyond the boundary */
if ( x_index < ( sum_col - (WINDOW_SIZE-1) ) && y_index < ( sum_row - (WINDOW_SIZE-1) ) ){
p.x = x_index;
p.y = y_index;

result = cascadeClassifier ( p, II, SII );

if ( result > 0 )
MyRect r = {myRound(p.x*factor), myRound(p.y*factor), winSize.width, winSize.height};
}// inner if
if ( x_index < sum_col-1 )
x_index = x_index + 1;
x_index = 0;
y_index = y_index + 1;
} // outer if
element_counter +=1;

Verilog is not my forte, but I think arrays are arrays. In the initial
loop you are retrieving the data from
Data[(i*y_ratio)>>16][(j*x_ratio)>>16]. The range of one index is 0 to
IMAGE_HEIGHT-1 and the other is 0 to IMAGE_WIDTH-1. I can never recall
which is the inner index and which is the outer, but the math involved
in calculating the address of the data is simpler if the inner index
range is a binary power. Is that the case? If not, you can achieve the
simplification by declaring the inner index to have a range which is a
binary power, but only use a subrange that you need. The cost is wasted
memory, but it will improve performance and size because the address
calculation will not require multiplication, but rather shifts which are
done by mapping the index to the right address lines.


Rick C

Thank you for your reply.
Here IMAGE_HEIGHT equals to 240, and IMAGE_WIDTH equals to 320.According to your advice, I can change the inner index of the array to be a binary power to accelerate the address access. Is this right?

I believe so. To minimize the waste of memory, I would make the 240 the
inner index with a range of 256. Then the multiplication becomes a
matter of shifting the outer index by 8 bits and adding to the inner
index. I don't know for sure, but the tools should figure this out

Keep your loop range as 0 to 239 and everything will still work as you
expect skipping over 16 array values at each increment of the outer
index. You will need to be consistent in all accesses to the memory.


Rick C

Welcome to

