A friend recently had her audio system damaged from an AC Power Surge.
Would like to prevent this so Googled using AC Power Surge Protection and found "The Best Surge Protector by Brent Butterworth.
Read link "Surge Protectors ??? (Brickwall, Zero Surge, Furman, SurgeX," http://www.avsforum.com/forum/40-oled-technology-flat-panels-general/1146963-surge-protectors-brickwall-zero-surge-furman-surgex-etc.html
Then did a Forum search and found some very long discussions such as:
Surge Protectors https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/sci.electronics.repair/AC$20Power$20Surge$20Protection%7Csort:relevance/sci.electronics.repair/mkLpyahIKNk/3GvjxW9LrrsJ
Surge protector fuse blown https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/sci.electronics.repair/AC$20Power$20Surge$20Protection%7Csort:relevance/sci.electronics.repair/iUffPhXZsNA/Ay8058Ba46QJ
I do not have a technical background so would be interested in others comments concerning all this.
Would like to use your advice to build a cost effective audio protection system.
Would like to prevent this so Googled using AC Power Surge Protection and found "The Best Surge Protector by Brent Butterworth.
Read link "Surge Protectors ??? (Brickwall, Zero Surge, Furman, SurgeX," http://www.avsforum.com/forum/40-oled-technology-flat-panels-general/1146963-surge-protectors-brickwall-zero-surge-furman-surgex-etc.html
Then did a Forum search and found some very long discussions such as:
Surge Protectors https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/sci.electronics.repair/AC$20Power$20Surge$20Protection%7Csort:relevance/sci.electronics.repair/mkLpyahIKNk/3GvjxW9LrrsJ
Surge protector fuse blown https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/sci.electronics.repair/AC$20Power$20Surge$20Protection%7Csort:relevance/sci.electronics.repair/iUffPhXZsNA/Ay8058Ba46QJ
I do not have a technical background so would be interested in others comments concerning all this.
Would like to use your advice to build a cost effective audio protection system.