AC adapter - easy question, I hope



I am wiring DC power jacks into some of my kids toys and was hoping there is
an easy way to determine the necessary AC adapter required.

For instance, I put a jack in a portable infant swing. It normally takes 4
"C" batteries and the variable output adapter I currently have only puts out
300mA @ 6VDC.

Works OK but doesn't have the "gusto" of 4 fresh batteries, obviously I need
to increase the output current but how much? How much is too much? Is there
a good rule of thumb? The swing comes with absolutely no specs.

Any suggestions or caveats would be appreciated. If I am out of place,
please point me to the FAQ.

Thanks in advance,

On Mon, 6 Oct 2003 15:03:14 -0500, "Rick" <rgmjrATtexasDOTnet> wrote:

I am wiring DC power jacks into some of my kids toys and was hoping there is
an easy way to determine the necessary AC adapter required.

For instance, I put a jack in a portable infant swing. It normally takes 4
"C" batteries and the variable output adapter I currently have only puts out
300mA @ 6VDC.

Works OK but doesn't have the "gusto" of 4 fresh batteries, obviously I need
to increase the output current but how much? How much is too much? Is there
a good rule of thumb? The swing comes with absolutely no specs.

Any suggestions or caveats would be appreciated. If I am out of place,
please point me to the FAQ.
There is no faq :)

If you can, measure the current the swing draws from fresh batteries and
buy a wall-wart rated to supply the same current under load. Don't
worry about supplying too much current, the swing will take what it
needs. If the swing only draws current when it's at the ends of its arc
in order to just "kick" the swing, the wall-wart output voltage may rise
to the point where it initially kicks the swing a little harder than
batteries, but I don't think it'll throw the kiddos out! try it...

John Fields

For domestic models, most AC adaptors tend to be either approximately
300mA or approximately 1.5A (1500mA). (Just by looking at the Argos

300mA is a bit weedy. I'd try a 1.5A one - same order of magnitude as
the C cells give, and only about a tenner here in the UK.

Hope that helps...


Rick wrote:
I am wiring DC power jacks into some of my kids toys and was hoping there is
an easy way to determine the necessary AC adapter required.

For instance, I put a jack in a portable infant swing. It normally takes 4
"C" batteries and the variable output adapter I currently have only puts out
300mA @ 6VDC.

Works OK but doesn't have the "gusto" of 4 fresh batteries, obviously I need
to increase the output current but how much? How much is too much? Is there
a good rule of thumb? The swing comes with absolutely no specs.

Any suggestions or caveats would be appreciated. If I am out of place,
please point me to the FAQ.

Thanks in advance,


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