about VHDL deltas

  • Thread starter parag_paul@hotmail.com
  • Start date


HI all,
is there a concept of deltas in VHDL ,

I am implementing something like the force command in Verilog in VHDL

Now is it ok that there is a delta before the forced value gets
reflected on the signal.

Something like the following in UCLI ( Synopsys debug tool for VCS)

ucli% force a 1
ucli% get a
ucli% run 1 us
ucli% get a

here , actually, the force value did not reflect immediately but we
have to wait for some delta to get there.
IS the acceptable, or is the concept not viable in VHDL> IN Verilog we
are seeing the value reflection immediately
Thanks in advance
On Dec 10, 5:29 am, "parag_p...@hotmail.com" <parag_p...@hotmail.com>
HI all,
is there a concept of deltas in VHDL ,

I am implementing something like the force command in Verilog in VHDL

Now is it ok that there is a delta before the forced value gets
reflected on the signal.

Something like the following in UCLI ( Synopsys debug tool for VCS)

ucli% force a 1
ucli% get a
ucli% run 1 us
ucli% get a

here , actually, the force value did not reflect immediately but we
have to wait for some delta to get there.
IS the acceptable, or is the concept not viable in VHDL> IN Verilog we
are seeing the value reflection immediately
Thanks in advance
What you're asking about has nothing to do with VHDL or Verilog, it is
specific to whatever simulation tool you're using...and yes, probably
every simulation tool in existence that has a user interface will
allow you to force signals and they will most likely show up on the
next simulation delta.

On 10 Dez., 11:29, parag_p...@hotmail.com wrote:
is there a concept of deltas in VHDL ,
Yes, signals use delta (or often called ticks) to update, variables
are immediate updated.
A_Sig <= '1';
A_Var := '1';
wait 1 ns;
A_Sig <= '0';
A_Var := '0';
A_Sig <= A_Var;
A_Var := A_Sig;
wait 1 ns;

lead to:
A_Sig = '0'
A_Var = '1'

bye Thomas

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