About VCS code Coverage

hi guys,

I am using vcs to do verilog code coverage test. One strange thing is
that when i use -cm cond to do condition coverage, expressions before
(?:) operator can not be analyzed. This is different from what is
described in the tutorial. Anyone can help?
As per VCS doc it should work. Can you elaborate with a small code as
to what you mean by "expressions before (?:) operator can not be
analyzed.". Which VCS version do you use (do vcs -ID)

Ajeetha, CVC

Zhengyuan.Quan@gmail.com wrote:
hi guys,

I am using vcs to do verilog code coverage test. One strange thing is
that when i use -cm cond to do condition coverage, expressions before
(?:) operator can not be analyzed. This is different from what is
described in the tutorial. Anyone can help?

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