I use spice3f5 to simulate an operation amplifier (netlist is attached
below). I found the simulation results of spice3f5 are significantly
difference from that of HSPICE2003sp1 ( about 1v difference, both OP
and TRAN). What's the reason?
* op amp
M3 n_g_low n_g_low 0 0 nmos l=0.8u w=140u
M4 n_d n_g_low 0 0 nmos l=0.8u w=140u
M6 n_out n_d 0 0 nmos l=0.8u w=135u
M1 n_g_low vin- n_source n_source pmos l=0.8u w=423u
M2 n_d vin+ n_source n_source pmos l=0.8u w=423u
M5 n_source n_g_hi vdd vdd pmos l=0.8u w=67u
M7 n_out n_g_hi vdd vdd pmos l=0.8u w=32u
M8 n_g_hi n_g_hi vdd vdd pmos l=0.8u w=2u
Rc n_d n_RC 200
Cc n_out n_RC 10p
Cload n_out 0 3p
Ibias n_g_hi 0 19u
Vdd vdd 0 5
Vin1 vin- 0 sin 2.5 10u 10
Vin2 vin+ 0 2.5
..tran 0.1m 1
..probe v(n_out)
..print v(n_out)
..model nmos nmos level=1 vto=0.7 kp=103.6u tox=20n gamma=0.298
phi=0.688 lambda=0.03 ld=0.2u uo=600 tpg=1 rsh=40 js=0.753u nsub=8e15
cj=271u cjsw=600p mj=0.5 mjsw=0.5 pb=0.904 cgso=692p cgdo=692p
..model pmos pmos level=1 vto=-0.9 kp=34.5u tox=20n gamma=0.471
phi=0.730 lambda=0.06 ld=0.2u uo=200 tpg=-1 rsh=60 js=0.176u nsub=2e16
cj=423u cjsw=1.2n mj=0.5 mjsw=0.5 pb=0.928 cgso=692p cgdo=692p
..option method=trap maxord=2
below). I found the simulation results of spice3f5 are significantly
difference from that of HSPICE2003sp1 ( about 1v difference, both OP
and TRAN). What's the reason?
* op amp
M3 n_g_low n_g_low 0 0 nmos l=0.8u w=140u
M4 n_d n_g_low 0 0 nmos l=0.8u w=140u
M6 n_out n_d 0 0 nmos l=0.8u w=135u
M1 n_g_low vin- n_source n_source pmos l=0.8u w=423u
M2 n_d vin+ n_source n_source pmos l=0.8u w=423u
M5 n_source n_g_hi vdd vdd pmos l=0.8u w=67u
M7 n_out n_g_hi vdd vdd pmos l=0.8u w=32u
M8 n_g_hi n_g_hi vdd vdd pmos l=0.8u w=2u
Rc n_d n_RC 200
Cc n_out n_RC 10p
Cload n_out 0 3p
Ibias n_g_hi 0 19u
Vdd vdd 0 5
Vin1 vin- 0 sin 2.5 10u 10
Vin2 vin+ 0 2.5
..tran 0.1m 1
..probe v(n_out)
..print v(n_out)
..model nmos nmos level=1 vto=0.7 kp=103.6u tox=20n gamma=0.298
phi=0.688 lambda=0.03 ld=0.2u uo=600 tpg=1 rsh=40 js=0.753u nsub=8e15
cj=271u cjsw=600p mj=0.5 mjsw=0.5 pb=0.904 cgso=692p cgdo=692p
..model pmos pmos level=1 vto=-0.9 kp=34.5u tox=20n gamma=0.471
phi=0.730 lambda=0.06 ld=0.2u uo=200 tpg=-1 rsh=60 js=0.176u nsub=2e16
cj=423u cjsw=1.2n mj=0.5 mjsw=0.5 pb=0.928 cgso=692p cgdo=692p
..option method=trap maxord=2