about skillscripts


my perlscript generates a gdsfile directly when i run on the
terminal.my problem here is i want to run my perlscript using
ipcBeginprocess .The way am approaching is mentioned below to run the
perlscript .


cid = ipcBeginProcess("/prog/assura/signal.pl; VDD
;and_script; pratham_pg2_scratch; cds.lib; signal.gds" )

); procedure

here my perlscript is "signal.pl" and the inputs to my perlscript
are those which are seperated by semi coloun .is this way is correct
..if do in the same manner i can run my script
am soory to mention wht are the variablesmentioned in above VDD IS (NET
NAME) and_script is (CELLNAME), pratham_pg2_scratch IS
(LIBNAME),cds.lib IS (CDS LIBRAARY),gdsname is (SIGANL.GDS)
kranthibhushann@gmail.com wrote:


my perlscript generates a gdsfile directly when i run on the
terminal.my problem here is i want to run my perlscript using
ipcBeginprocess .The way am approaching is mentioned below to run the
perlscript .


cid = ipcBeginProcess("/prog/assura/signal.pl; VDD
;and_script; pratham_pg2_scratch; cds.lib; signal.gds" )

); procedure

here my perlscript is "signal.pl" and the inputs to my perlscript
are those which are seperated by semi coloun .is this way is correct
.if do in the same manner i can run my script
If you use ipcReadProcess(cid) did you see a warning like this:
"sh: line 1: VDD: command not found\n" ?
(At least I did)

That's because you use a ; in there, which is a end of line marker in sh.
You need to find a different dividing character as far as I can see.

chinni wrote:

am soory to mention wht are the variablesmentioned in above VDD IS (NET
NAME) and_script is (CELLNAME), pratham_pg2_scratch IS
(LIBNAME),cds.lib IS (CDS LIBRAARY),gdsname is (SIGANL.GDS)
Do you have a spellchecker in your mailtool? Would you care to use it?
Remember that this email is archived on groops.google.com for later
generations to read. The search engine is quite clever when it comes to
look for wrongly typed words, but the user reading the text will not.

Think about it.

thanks for reply so soon .ya exactly am getting the same problem and am
not getting the output when i execute the above command.now am trying
with this code ,state whether it is correct or not .while(
printf("%s" outputResult));

executeCommand = "/prog/assura/plotNet.pl;/prog/assura/plotNet.pl ;
VDD ;and_script; pratham_pg2_scratch; cds.lib; signal.gds "
cid = ipcBeginProcess(executeCommand "" nil nil nil "")

outputResult = ipcReadProcess(cid)
( and if i use this code am not getting any output simply am getting
this line in my "ciw "
"USAGE: plotNet.pl netName cellName <libName <cdslib <gdsName>>>\n".so
to get output what i have to do
On 15 May 2006 05:43:55 -0700, kranthibhushann@gmail.com wrote:

thanks for reply so soon .ya exactly am getting the same problem and am
not getting the output when i execute the above command.now am trying
with this code ,state whether it is correct or not .while(
printf("%s" outputResult));

executeCommand = "/prog/assura/plotNet.pl;/prog/assura/plotNet.pl ;
VDD ;and_script; pratham_pg2_scratch; cds.lib; signal.gds "
cid = ipcBeginProcess(executeCommand "" nil nil nil "")

outputResult = ipcReadProcess(cid)
( and if i use this code am not getting any output simply am getting
this line in my "ciw "
"USAGE: plotNet.pl netName cellName <libName <cdslib <gdsName>>>\n".so
to get output what i have to do
Did you read Svenn's reply? If you still have the ";" in the command you're
executing, it's not surprising it doesn't work.

Please read Svenn's reply again. ";" is a shell command delimiter. I expect you
should have the same command but with spaces instead of the semi-colons.

Andrew Beckett
Principal European Technology Leader
Cadence Design Systems, UK.
[ t_hostName ]
[ tsu_dataHandler ]
[ tsu_errHandler ]
[ tsu_postFunc ]
[ t_logFile ]
=> o_childId
in the above syntax what is "=> o_childId" .
Interprocess Communication SKILL Functions Reference

ipcWait( ipcBeginProcess( "pipo strmin /home/sua/and_script.rsf" ) )
when i am runnign the above syntax .am not able to get any output is
the correct way to stream in
hi ,

i did the same thing in one of my codes .this is how i solved it
dataStringPerl=strcat("mycode.pl" artMakeString(number) " " stringfield
" ...<depending what is the type of data u are passing to perl>)

;;; Calling the Perl code
and it worked. Hope it helps .


am creating a "submit plot form " for various fields ,if i want to
place the field in any corner for example " TEMPLATE FILE" I want to
put the "LOAD and SAVE" buttons at the right side where i have to
mention the positon in this syntax.plz hepl me
buttonfield = hiCreateButtonBoxField(
?name ' buttonfield
?prompt " options"
?choices '("Load" "Save")
?callback ,'("println( 'Load )" "println( 'Save )"))

If i want to use postfucntion in IPCBEGINPROCESS .i have read in
manuals but am not clear about it.In postfunction we have to define
two paarmeters such as o_childId field and x_exitStatus field ,can u
tell me how to define this fields .

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