About Chip Resistors



How do Chip resistors compare to Metal/Carbon film resistors in terms
of Noise immunity and Reactance ?

Apart from size does chip resistor offer any other advantages ?
Larry Brasfield wrote:
"aman" <aman.bindra@gmail.com> wrote in message
How do Chip resistors compare to Metal/Carbon film resistors in
of Noise immunity and Reactance ?

You can buy metal film chip resistors and thick film
chip resistors. They generally have less reactance
than leaded resistors. For lowest excess noise in
the presence of DC bias, metal film resistors are
still best, whether in chip or leaded form.

Apart from size does chip resistor offer any other advantages ?

When mounted, their parasitics are lower.

--Larry Brasfield
email: donotspam_larry_brasfield@hotmail.com
Above views may belong only to me.
If I might add something to the above, thick film resistors have worse
temeperature coefficients (although this can be mitigated by using more
expensive inks). Also, they have a tendency to microcracking. When
the laser cuts through the fired film while laser trimming, thick film
tends to develop microscopic cracks running perpendicular to the cut.
Under load or thermal cycling, these microscopic cracks can grow,
permanently increasing the resistance. This limits their usefulness
generally to about 0.5% tolerance at best. This makes thin film a
better choice for precision chip resistors.

On the plus side, in addition to lower inductance, thick film chip
resistors are the least expensive, and automated SMT pick and place is
far less expensive than axial insertion and cut/clinch.

Good luck

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