ABC editor "PROG Delay" question



I am using a "Hot chip"/"ABC mini" with Atmel AVR AT90S8535 and I am using
ABC editor to connect to pc with parallel port.

ABC editor can detect the hot chip and possible to read, erase, however it
appear a "verify error" box when .hex is program to microcontroller

The question is as follow

1) I've found it is the issue of "PROG delay" in the manual, and it is
require to set more than "750000" in fast computer, However my
microcontroller still can not be work when 750000 to 1250000 is set on "PROG

2) Could you guys please suggest me a suitable/ easy way to connect "Hot
chip"/ AT90S8535 to pc?

sommes wrote:
I am using a "Hot chip"/"ABC mini" with Atmel AVR AT90S8535 and I am using
ABC editor to connect to pc with parallel port.

ABC editor can detect the hot chip and possible to read, erase, however it
appear a "verify error" box when .hex is program to microcontroller

The question is as follow

1) I've found it is the issue of "PROG delay" in the manual, and it is
require to set more than "750000" in fast computer, However my
microcontroller still can not be work when 750000 to 1250000 is set on "PROG

2) Could you guys please suggest me a suitable/ easy way to connect "Hot
chip"/ AT90S8535 to pc?

Avoid parallel port based programmers, especially the ones that require
"tweaked" software delay routines. You are asking for a world of
trouble, especially with todays fast modern PCs and O/S's that no
longer directly support legacy ports.
Get yourself a decent serial or USB based programmer and you'll sleep
better at night.

Although in this case make sure your programming lead from the parallel
port is as short as possible.

Dave :)
Avoid parallel port based programmers, especially the ones that require
"tweaked" software delay routines. You are asking for a world of
trouble, especially with todays fast modern PCs and O/S's that no
longer directly support legacy ports.
Get yourself a decent serial or USB based programmer and you'll sleep
better at night.

Although in this case make sure your programming lead from the parallel
port is as short as possible.
I never understand why people have all these crazy programmers for atmel...
just get the 30$ ISP and use the the miso mosi reset and sck lines... isp
plugs right into a serial port.
"sommes" <> wrote in message news:e13386$lha$
I am using a "Hot chip"/"ABC mini" with Atmel AVR AT90S8535 and I am using
ABC editor to connect to pc with parallel port.

ABC editor can detect the hot chip and possible to read, erase, however it
appear a "verify error" box when .hex is program to microcontroller

The question is as follow

1) I've found it is the issue of "PROG delay" in the manual, and it is
require to set more than "750000" in fast computer, However my
microcontroller still can not be work when 750000 to 1250000 is set on

2) Could you guys please suggest me a suitable/ easy way to connect "Hot
chip"/ AT90S8535 to pc?
If it is programming ok but failing verify, try to download the image and
compare it to the original. If its complete random then thats your problem,
if only some bytes seem to be random you have a clocking problem, atmels are
pretty bad about this, try some better capacitors across all of the power
pins on the mcu
On 2006-04-07, David L. Jones <> wrote:
sommes wrote:
I am using a "Hot chip"/"ABC mini" with Atmel AVR AT90S8535 and I am using
ABC editor to connect to pc with parallel port.

ABC editor can detect the hot chip and possible to read, erase, however it
appear a "verify error" box when .hex is program to microcontroller

The question is as follow

1) I've found it is the issue of "PROG delay" in the manual, and it is
require to set more than "750000" in fast computer, However my
microcontroller still can not be work when 750000 to 1250000 is set on "PROG

2) Could you guys please suggest me a suitable/ easy way to connect "Hot
chip"/ AT90S8535 to pc?


Avoid parallel port based programmers, especially the ones that require
"tweaked" software delay routines. You are asking for a world of
trouble, especially with todays fast modern PCs and O/S's that no
longer directly support legacy ports.
Get yourself a decent serial or USB based programmer and you'll sleep
better at night.

Although in this case make sure your programming lead from the parallel
port is as short as possible.

Dave :)
I use a 3m parallel cable... length doesn't seem to be an issue.

it's probably the software. or possibly the hardware. my programmer is the
atmel parallel one (and I did see a site where someone had published the
schematic), and the software either atmel's stuff (windows) or avrisp (linux)

Jasen Betts wrote:
I use a 3m parallel cable... length doesn't seem to be an issue.
A lot can change depending on the driving impedances - strength of
pullups etc. Just because it works for you doesn't mean it'll work
for someone else. I've had the same problem with the MSP430 JFET.
On 2006-04-07, DAC <> wrote:
Avoid parallel port based programmers, especially the ones that require
"tweaked" software delay routines. You are asking for a world of
trouble, especially with todays fast modern PCs and O/S's that no
longer directly support legacy ports.
Get yourself a decent serial or USB based programmer and you'll sleep
better at night.

Although in this case make sure your programming lead from the parallel
port is as short as possible.

I never understand why people have all these crazy programmers for atmel...
just get the 30$ ISP and use the the miso mosi reset and sck lines... isp
plugs right into a serial port.
the STK100 ISP was parallel port.. so history would be part of it.


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