Ben Marshall
Hi All
As a pet project, I am currently building a Verilog parser and abstract syntax
tree generator. My plan is to use this as the basis of various tools which will
make programming in Verilog a little easier. It seems to me that every other
language out there has all of these wonderful tools like linters, style checkers,
and optimisers - but no such luck for Verilog. Unless you have tens of thousands
of dollars for a Cadence/Synopsys/Mentor licence and the time to learn their
billion features and set up a work flow.
My question is this - what sorts of tools would people here find useful? My
current wishlist is this:
- Critical path identifier (something which doesn't take 20 minuets to run on
a grid engine)
- A switching probability analysis tool.
- This could even feed into a rough power & energy estimation tool.
- A simple hierarchy visualiser, which you can feed all your project files into
and which will spit out a digested view of the module hierarchy.
- Proper Doxygen support for Verilog. This will be the first thing I try after
the parser is finished.
What would you like to see?
Thanks, Ben
As a pet project, I am currently building a Verilog parser and abstract syntax
tree generator. My plan is to use this as the basis of various tools which will
make programming in Verilog a little easier. It seems to me that every other
language out there has all of these wonderful tools like linters, style checkers,
and optimisers - but no such luck for Verilog. Unless you have tens of thousands
of dollars for a Cadence/Synopsys/Mentor licence and the time to learn their
billion features and set up a work flow.
My question is this - what sorts of tools would people here find useful? My
current wishlist is this:
- Critical path identifier (something which doesn't take 20 minuets to run on
a grid engine)
- A switching probability analysis tool.
- This could even feed into a rough power & energy estimation tool.
- A simple hierarchy visualiser, which you can feed all your project files into
and which will spit out a digested view of the module hierarchy.
- Proper Doxygen support for Verilog. This will be the first thing I try after
the parser is finished.
What would you like to see?
Thanks, Ben