Ian Sutherland
Hi folks, I have been given a Sony 21" Model KV-2184AS. will be ideal
for watching the cricket in the workshop. Supposed to have an
intermittent/uneconomical to repair fault. I watched the last couple
of 1 day finals (8 Hrs. plus) with no sign of a fault. Next switch on,
no sound, no pic. It had a snowy raster, & speaker hiss. Also on
screen display's functioned. Absolutely no sign of sound or pic or
sync. bars, nothing!!
Did this for next 5 or 6 switch on's, was about to take it down from
the wall bracket, switched on, & operation normal. (1 week later,
still functioning.)
When it was dysfunctional I gave it a couple of thumps, no effect.
Does anyone have a circuit diag. they could copy & post to me? I'm
in Adelaide, & happy to pay any costs involved.
To me it doesn't seem irrepairable, hopefully just tuner power
supply or something else as easy to diagnose.
My background is retired electronics tech, speciallizing in
industrial controls.
T.I.A Ian Sutherland.
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for watching the cricket in the workshop. Supposed to have an
intermittent/uneconomical to repair fault. I watched the last couple
of 1 day finals (8 Hrs. plus) with no sign of a fault. Next switch on,
no sound, no pic. It had a snowy raster, & speaker hiss. Also on
screen display's functioned. Absolutely no sign of sound or pic or
sync. bars, nothing!!
Did this for next 5 or 6 switch on's, was about to take it down from
the wall bracket, switched on, & operation normal. (1 week later,
still functioning.)
When it was dysfunctional I gave it a couple of thumps, no effect.
Does anyone have a circuit diag. they could copy & post to me? I'm
in Adelaide, & happy to pay any costs involved.
To me it doesn't seem irrepairable, hopefully just tuner power
supply or something else as easy to diagnose.
My background is retired electronics tech, speciallizing in
industrial controls.
T.I.A Ian Sutherland.
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