Several years ago I came close to getting electrocuted in the shower.
While having a shower I noticed a strongle tingle when I touched the
taps, so I checked with a DMM and found there was AC between the
taps, showerhead etc and the wet floor. Strange, so we called in an
electrician to check what was going on. Turned out the shower floor
had a metal tub underneath - looked like lead - which extended up into
the wall cavity. On the other side of one wall was the kitchen with
a GPO near floor level for the fridge. The wiring was the old rubber
insulated type which had gone brittle - and the edge of the tub was
scraping the active ! So the wet shower floor was only insulated
from the mains by the deteriorating rubber. The Sparky replaced the
GPO wiring with TPS, bent the metal away from the GPO and said
we were lucky the fault only showed a high resistance and the metal
hadn't gone in another mm.
While having a shower I noticed a strongle tingle when I touched the
taps, so I checked with a DMM and found there was AC between the
taps, showerhead etc and the wet floor. Strange, so we called in an
electrician to check what was going on. Turned out the shower floor
had a metal tub underneath - looked like lead - which extended up into
the wall cavity. On the other side of one wall was the kitchen with
a GPO near floor level for the fridge. The wiring was the old rubber
insulated type which had gone brittle - and the edge of the tub was
scraping the active ! So the wet shower floor was only insulated
from the mains by the deteriorating rubber. The Sparky replaced the
GPO wiring with TPS, bent the metal away from the GPO and said
we were lucky the fault only showed a high resistance and the metal
hadn't gone in another mm.