The output of my lowpass filter is a dc voltage,but the value is in
range of the control voltage of my VCO which is between 0 and 1v. How
pull down the dc voltage? I tried to use diode, not work.
Another thing is that when I connect the output of my VCO as the
feedback signal, the dc votage of output of LPF is changed(when I used
two independent
input at the PD, it is normal). what is the reason for it?
range of the control voltage of my VCO which is between 0 and 1v. How
pull down the dc voltage? I tried to use diode, not work.
Another thing is that when I connect the output of my VCO as the
feedback signal, the dc votage of output of LPF is changed(when I used
two independent
input at the PD, it is normal). what is the reason for it?