Svenn Are Bjerkem
Hi Cadence guys,
Why isn't the hcMailLogNames and hcHeader documented in the OCEAN
Reference manual? I tried to use them as ?arguments to hardCopyOptions,
but that didn't work, so I had to use the form below. Found this in a
white paper from Cadence. Are ther more "secret" options out there? Just
imagine how my mailbox was filling up due to hardCopy() calls
Another question is, why do I have to execute the (rexCompile " ") once
on the CIW line before it works properly?
Is there a better way to replace \s (whitespace) with _ in titles to be
used in file names for plots?
(rexCompile " ")
(setq cnt 1)
(foreach wid (awvGetWindowList)
awvSetCurrentWindow( wid )
(setq title wid->awvSaveWaveInfoDpl->title->label)
(rexExecute title)
(setq filename (rexReplace title "_" 0))
?hcNumCopy 1
?hcOrientation 'landscape
?hcOutputFile (sprintf nil "%s.eps" filename cnt)
?hcPaperSize "DIN A4"
?hcPlotterName "EPS "
hardCopyOptions("hcHeader" nil)
hardCopyOptions("hcMailLogNames" nil)
Why isn't the hcMailLogNames and hcHeader documented in the OCEAN
Reference manual? I tried to use them as ?arguments to hardCopyOptions,
but that didn't work, so I had to use the form below. Found this in a
white paper from Cadence. Are ther more "secret" options out there? Just
imagine how my mailbox was filling up due to hardCopy() calls
Another question is, why do I have to execute the (rexCompile " ") once
on the CIW line before it works properly?
Is there a better way to replace \s (whitespace) with _ in titles to be
used in file names for plots?
(rexCompile " ")
(setq cnt 1)
(foreach wid (awvGetWindowList)
awvSetCurrentWindow( wid )
(setq title wid->awvSaveWaveInfoDpl->title->label)
(rexExecute title)
(setq filename (rexReplace title "_" 0))
?hcNumCopy 1
?hcOrientation 'landscape
?hcOutputFile (sprintf nil "%s.eps" filename cnt)
?hcPaperSize "DIN A4"
?hcPlotterName "EPS "
hardCopyOptions("hcHeader" nil)
hardCopyOptions("hcMailLogNames" nil)