Thorsten Kiefer
I don't know, what is state-of-the-art for function approximation
on FPGAs.
I developed this :
"Paper" (10 minutes hack) for this :
If I tried to implement the constructor for PBFs in VHDL,
like a Float-Core-Generator, would I need to generate
VHDL code, or can VHDL function generate intermediate gates ?
If I tried to implement the solve() procedure, I would need
a random number generator. Is there a Xilinx IP core for this ?
BTW: I am using a Spartan3
I will extend my website and implement the generator in JavaScript.
Best wishes
Thorsten Kiefer
I don't know, what is state-of-the-art for function approximation
on FPGAs.
I developed this :
"Paper" (10 minutes hack) for this :
If I tried to implement the constructor for PBFs in VHDL,
like a Float-Core-Generator, would I need to generate
VHDL code, or can VHDL function generate intermediate gates ?
If I tried to implement the solve() procedure, I would need
a random number generator. Is there a Xilinx IP core for this ?
BTW: I am using a Spartan3
I will extend my website and implement the generator in JavaScript.
Best wishes
Thorsten Kiefer