John Fortier
Having an unmoderated newsgroup for a subject such as sci.electronics.basics
is, at first glance, a good idea. Anyone can post to the group, ask any
question and get,, hopefully, useful answers.
But the group is dominated by a few individuals who instantly descend to
personal abuse should anyone disagree with them. This is not what the group
should be about.
What this group should be is one of the most useful and informative sources
of information for beginners in electronics available. But all to often it
resembles a squabble in a kindergarten, with posters using language to each
other which would get them fired from any responsible company.
This does nothing to further the reason for the group's existence and is a
remarkably stupid waste of bandwidth.
For these reasons I am considering starting a moderated version of this
The moderation rules will be simple and are designed to allow a lively and
informative forum without recourse to swearing and the trading of personal
invective such as have cursed this group for far too long:
Be polite,
No personal insults,
Facetious and unhelpful replies will not be posted,
Threads which wander off topic will be welcome as long as they are
interesting and informative,
Off topic posts will be allowed and welcome as long as they have some
relevance to electronics and the teaching of electronics to newcomers to the
Totally off topic posts, such as "The correct way to post to a newsgroup"
(!) will be completely banned,
Those who refuse to abide by the rules, which basically come down to "Keep
it interesting, informative and polite" will be warned via a personal
e-mail. If such a poster still does not find it possible to be interesting,
informative and polite, he will be warned in public.
A failure to behave sensibly after that will ensure his banning from the
The rules, such as they are, will not be enforced in any draconian fashion.
Use of four letter words will be tolerated as long as their use is relevant.
One of my own favourite expressions to describe something absolutely
useless, for example, is "As much use a s tits on a fish!"
I realise that there will be those among you, probably the worst offenders
with regard to the misuse of this forum, who will vociferously object to
this idea. However, that same freedom of speech which allows you to misuse
this newsgroup to trade hissy fits allows me to start a group should I so
choose and moderate it in any way I see fit, especially if that moderation
is for the furtherance of the basic purpose of a group such as
Those of you who would be interested in such a group can contact me directly
or via this group. In any case, I'm going to take the necessary steps
toward the creation of such a group.
is, at first glance, a good idea. Anyone can post to the group, ask any
question and get,, hopefully, useful answers.
But the group is dominated by a few individuals who instantly descend to
personal abuse should anyone disagree with them. This is not what the group
should be about.
What this group should be is one of the most useful and informative sources
of information for beginners in electronics available. But all to often it
resembles a squabble in a kindergarten, with posters using language to each
other which would get them fired from any responsible company.
This does nothing to further the reason for the group's existence and is a
remarkably stupid waste of bandwidth.
For these reasons I am considering starting a moderated version of this
The moderation rules will be simple and are designed to allow a lively and
informative forum without recourse to swearing and the trading of personal
invective such as have cursed this group for far too long:
Be polite,
No personal insults,
Facetious and unhelpful replies will not be posted,
Threads which wander off topic will be welcome as long as they are
interesting and informative,
Off topic posts will be allowed and welcome as long as they have some
relevance to electronics and the teaching of electronics to newcomers to the
Totally off topic posts, such as "The correct way to post to a newsgroup"
(!) will be completely banned,
Those who refuse to abide by the rules, which basically come down to "Keep
it interesting, informative and polite" will be warned via a personal
e-mail. If such a poster still does not find it possible to be interesting,
informative and polite, he will be warned in public.
A failure to behave sensibly after that will ensure his banning from the
The rules, such as they are, will not be enforced in any draconian fashion.
Use of four letter words will be tolerated as long as their use is relevant.
One of my own favourite expressions to describe something absolutely
useless, for example, is "As much use a s tits on a fish!"
I realise that there will be those among you, probably the worst offenders
with regard to the misuse of this forum, who will vociferously object to
this idea. However, that same freedom of speech which allows you to misuse
this newsgroup to trade hissy fits allows me to start a group should I so
choose and moderate it in any way I see fit, especially if that moderation
is for the furtherance of the basic purpose of a group such as
Those of you who would be interested in such a group can contact me directly
or via this group. In any case, I'm going to take the necessary steps
toward the creation of such a group.