A Message for Jean-Paul Turcaud



For several years now you have made a serial pest of yourself on various
Australian and New Zealand Newsgroups.

If you continue to post you rantings and ravings on any of these newsgroups,
you will be targeted. By this I mean that everytime you turn on your
computer you will be inundinated with spam etc.

The fight will be taken to your our territory is France.i.e. French
Newsgroups and Internet sites.

You have got your message across regarding the Telfer Mine and your claims
over this mine. There is a permanent web site with details of your claims.

You have made a wise decision not to post any of your rantings for the last
few days on Newsgroups.

Should you start again I will crank the campaign up several notches.

A few months ago I had success with a similar campaign with two grubs in
Vanuatu. One was recently deported from that country but was returned by
Australia because he did not have a passport.

He has since gone to ground.
"Wally" <mining_engineer@yahoo.com> wrote in message
For several years now you have made a serial pest of yourself on various
Australian and New Zealand Newsgroups.
A pest to some and a source of information to others.
You must not then be familiar with the thread started up on
www.publicdebate.com that there should be a Royal Commission into the Port
Arthur massacre. And who do you think began this thread which was a great
source of information to the public on the way Australians have been duped
into handing over their guns.

The Port Arthur massacre was a psyop, a cleverly planned and executed drama
to get the public onside for gunlaw legislation.
Same as Pearl Harbor was no surprise attack but the event got the American
public onside for US entrance into WWII.
Same as the Northwoods document talked about the US arranging all sorts of
attacks and blaming them on another country.
Same as 911 has never been properly explained and accounted for, but which
gives the coalition of the willing a free reign to do whatever they like in
the name of "public safety and security" - all a giant con to deceive the

Not many people are aware of these sorts of acts being perpetuated in order
to manipulate society. Jean-Paul is a cluey bloke to have understood this
from the start, and he is a person of insight even if his manner isn't
always agreeable.

If you continue to post you rantings and ravings on any of these
you will be targeted. By this I mean that everytime you turn on your
computer you will be inundinated with spam etc.
I don't know about you but my ISP has a very efficient spam filter. What
makes you think your campaign would work?

The fight will be taken to your our territory is France.i.e. French
Newsgroups and Internet sites.

You have got your message across regarding the Telfer Mine and your claims
over this mine. There is a permanent web site with details of your

Yes, Jean-Paul has got SOME OF THE MESSAGE over to SOME OF THE PEOPLE. But
It is a message that all people would do well to understand, how the little
man is ripped off and the big companies get away with things that aren't

You have made a wise decision not to post any of your rantings for the
few days on Newsgroups.

Should you start again I will crank the campaign up several notches.
I think you would do better to find another cause, to some of us Jean-Paul
is a marvel and a fighter for justice. If all people would fight as hard as
he does and expose corruption, I can't see anything wrong with it.

I say good on him, even if he is annoying at times.


A few months ago I had success with a similar campaign with two grubs in
Vanuatu. One was recently deported from that country but was returned by
Australia because he did not have a passport.

He has since gone to ground.
On Thu, 09 Mar 2006 12:39:28 +0000, Wally wrote:

X-Complaints-To: abuse@bigpond.net.au

For several years now you have made a serial pest of yourself on various
Australian and New Zealand Newsgroups.

If you continue to post you rantings and ravings on any of these
newsgroups, you will be targeted. By this I mean that everytime you turn
on your computer you will be inundinated with spam etc.
So you admit sending him spam?

A: Top posters
Q: What's the most annoying thing on usenet

"Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are
conservatives." - John Stuart Mill
TyBreaker wrote:
Carole wrote:

The Port Arthur massacre was a psyop, a cleverly planned and executed
to get the public onside for gunlaw legislation.

Gun laws were an excellent step forward. Another sign we aren't the
same as the Yanks despite their culture invasion on our TV sets.
Unfortunately violent crime has risen 40% since guns were banned so the
gun-freaks have been proven correct: "if you outlaw guns then only
outlaws will have guns"
B J Foster wrote:
Unfortunately violent crime has risen 40% since guns were banned so the
gun-freaks have been proven correct: "if you outlaw guns then only
outlaws will have guns"
Violent crime covers a lot more than just guns. And who believes
statistics anyway? 90% of all statistics are unsubstantiated.

______ ___ __
/_ __/_ __/ _ )_______ ___ _/ /_____ ____
/ / / // / _ / __/ -_) _ `/ '_/ -_) __/
/_/ \_, /____/_/ \__/\_,_/_/\_\\__/_/

There are 10 types of people in this world; those who understand the
binary numbering system and those who don't.

There's no place like
Carole wrote:
The Port Arthur massacre was a psyop, a cleverly planned and executed drama
to get the public onside for gunlaw legislation.
Gun laws were an excellent step forward. Another sign we aren't the
same as the Yanks despite their culture invasion on our TV sets.

______ ___ __
/_ __/_ __/ _ )_______ ___ _/ /_____ ____
/ / / // / _ / __/ -_) _ `/ '_/ -_) __/
/_/ \_, /____/_/ \__/\_,_/_/\_\\__/_/

There are 10 types of people in this world; those who understand the
binary numbering system and those who don't.

There's no place like
"TyBreaker" <tybreakerNO@SPAMhotmail.com> wrote in message
B J Foster wrote:
Unfortunately violent crime has risen 40% since guns were banned so the
gun-freaks have been proven correct: "if you outlaw guns then only
outlaws will have guns"

Violent crime covers a lot more than just guns. And who believes
statistics anyway? 90% of all statistics are unsubstantiated.

A better response is where did those statistics come from and what
indication is there that guns prevented crime before?

for God's sake shut up, miserable threatening little toad

Jean-Paul Turcaud
Exploration Geologist & Offshore Consultant
Mobile +33 650 171 464

Founder of the True Geology

~~ Ignorance Is The Cosmic Sin, The One Never Forgiven ~~

"Wally" <mining_engineer@yahoo.com> a écrit dans le message de news:
snipped the croaking & whining

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