Bible John
Please I want to give the admin to anyone that wants it. Do we have a deal?
Please no more posting your hate towards the fundamentalists in Usenet.
About Fundamentalist watch
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Members: 0
Description: A place to discuss the malacious online activities of self
ordanined Usenet ministers like Jason Gastrich, John Wolf, John Weatherly,
Uncle Davey, Nymm, George Peatty, Wesley among others that cause havok on
Usenet Newsgroups.
Categories: Language: English
Access: . Anyone can join
.. Only members can post
.. Archives are public
Group email: Fundamentalist-watch@googlegroups.com
Owner email: Fundamentalist-watch-owner@googlegroups.com
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Please I want to give the admin to anyone that wants it. Do we have a deal?
Please no more posting your hate towards the fundamentalists in Usenet.
About Fundamentalist watch
Start a new topic - Manage group - Invite - Unsubscribe or change
membership - About this group
Members: 0
Description: A place to discuss the malacious online activities of self
ordanined Usenet ministers like Jason Gastrich, John Wolf, John Weatherly,
Uncle Davey, Nymm, George Peatty, Wesley among others that cause havok on
Usenet Newsgroups.
Categories: Language: English
Access: . Anyone can join
.. Only members can post
.. Archives are public
Group email: Fundamentalist-watch@googlegroups.com
Owner email: Fundamentalist-watch-owner@googlegroups.com
Atom feeds: 100 New topics
15 New topics
100 New messages
15 New messages
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