A gift to Atheists, cults and other hateful posters


Bible John


Please I want to give the admin to anyone that wants it. Do we have a deal?
Please no more posting your hate towards the fundamentalists in Usenet.

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Members: 0
Description: A place to discuss the malacious online activities of self
ordanined Usenet ministers like Jason Gastrich, John Wolf, John Weatherly,
Uncle Davey, Nymm, George Peatty, Wesley among others that cause havok on
Usenet Newsgroups.
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Użytkownik "Bible John" <john.doggett@x-files.gov> napisał w wiadomości

Please I want to give the admin to anyone that wants it. Do we have a
Please no more posting your hate towards the fundamentalists in Usenet.

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membership - About this group

Members: 0
Description: A place to discuss the malacious online activities of self
ordanined Usenet ministers like Jason Gastrich, John Wolf, John Weatherly,
Uncle Davey, Nymm, George Peatty, Wesley among others that cause havok on
Usenet Newsgroups.
Categories: Language: English

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. Only members can post
. Archives are public

Group email: Fundamentalist-watch@googlegroups.com
Owner email: Fundamentalist-watch-owner@googlegroups.com
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Who's this, attacking me? I'm not a self-ordained minister, I'm a properly
licensed accountant.

Uncle Davey
On Sat, 23 Jul 2005 01:48:28 +0200, "Uncle Davey" <noway@jose.com>

Użytkownik "Bible John" <john.doggett@x-files.gov> napisał w wiadomości

Please I want to give the admin to anyone that wants it. Do we have a
Please no more posting your hate towards the fundamentalists in Usenet.

About Fundamentalist watch
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membership - About this group

Members: 0
Description: A place to discuss the malacious online activities of self
ordanined Usenet ministers like Jason Gastrich, John Wolf, John Weatherly,
Uncle Davey, Nymm, George Peatty, Wesley among others that cause havok on
Usenet Newsgroups.
Categories: Language: English

Access: . Anyone can join
. Only members can post
. Archives are public

Group email: Fundamentalist-watch@googlegroups.com
Owner email: Fundamentalist-watch-owner@googlegroups.com
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Who's this, attacking me? I'm not a self-ordained minister, I'm a properly
licensed accountant.

Uncle Davey

Uncle Davey,


Do you remember or have you ever seen the Laurel (a Brit) and Hardy
shows? Remember this line:


More here:


Non-commercial website where everything is free.

On Fri, 22 Jul 2005 16:44:38 -0700, "Bible John"
<john.doggett@x-files.gov> wrote:

Please I want to give the admin to anyone that wants it. Do we have a deal?
Please no more posting your hate towards the fundamentalists in Usenet.
Please do not feed the troll.


"This is how liberty dies: with thunderous applause"
- Padme Amidala, Episode III
In episode <11e314qss616tf5@news.supernews.com>, Bible John burst into the
room and exclaimed:


Please I want to give the admin to anyone that wants it. Do we have a
deal? Please no more posting your hate towards the fundamentalists in
Skippy, this is Usenet.


Mark K. Bilbo - a.a. #1423
EAC Department of Linguistic Subversion
Alt-atheism website at: http://www.alt-atheism.org
"Come to think of it, there are already a million
monkeys on a million typewriters, and the Usenet
is NOTHING like Shakespeare!" -- Blair Houghton
Bible John wrote:
Please no more posting your hate towards the fundamentalists in > Usenet.
Nope, FUCK YOU, it's GAWD'S WORK!!
On Fri, 22 Jul 2005 16:44:38 -0700, "Bible John"
<john.doggett@x-files.gov> wrote:


Please I want to give the admin to anyone that wants it. Do we have a deal?
Please no more posting your hate towards the fundamentalists in Usenet.
Beam, mote, eye, hypocrite.

You need to learn the difference between a reaction that wouldn't even
have happened, and your initial actions.

Nobody would give a toss about you if you could only live and let
live. Instead you come here and post lies like the above about us, to
As a confirmed atheist, I will note I do **not** hate fundamentalists.
Indeed, the opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. Why would
I waste my emotional energy on fundamentalists?

Until said fundamentalists intrude upon my private life (live and let
live, you know) I am *indifferent* to them. I don't get mad when they
want to run my life; I make sure they are reminded they don't have that
authority :)


On 23 Jul 2005 07:44:26 -0700, "PeteS" <ps@fleetwoodmobile.com> wrote:

As a confirmed atheist, I will note I do **not** hate fundamentalists.
Indeed, the opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. Why would
I waste my emotional energy on fundamentalists?

Until said fundamentalists intrude upon my private life (live and let
live, you know) I am *indifferent* to them. I don't get mad when they
want to run my life; I make sure they are reminded they don't have that
authority :)
It's a combination of several things
- paranoia
- their reviled/martyr/etc complex
- they honestly imagine they're the good guys and we should be
- they are incapable of putting themselves in the other guy's shoes
- so they invent "reasons" why people react the way they do that
make them feel good


"Bible John" <john.doggett@x-files.gov> wrote in


I don't hate anyone.

Rev Dr Pastor Dick F Foot MA, DD, FFD
The Guardian of English Christianity
Broomleigh Baptist Church AG (Zürich)
111 Lime Walk, Chelmsford CM2 9NJ, Great Britain
Uzytkownik "Bible Bob" <biblebobnospam@biblebob.net> napisal w wiadomosci
On Sat, 23 Jul 2005 01:48:28 +0200, "Uncle Davey" <noway@jose.com

Użytkownik "Bible John" <john.doggett@x-files.gov> napisał w wiadomości

Please I want to give the admin to anyone that wants it. Do we have a
Please no more posting your hate towards the fundamentalists in Usenet.

About Fundamentalist watch
Start a new topic - Manage group - Invite - Unsubscribe or change
membership - About this group

Members: 0
Description: A place to discuss the malacious online activities of
ordanined Usenet ministers like Jason Gastrich, John Wolf, John
Uncle Davey, Nymm, George Peatty, Wesley among others that cause havok
Usenet Newsgroups.
Categories: Language: English

Access: . Anyone can join
. Only members can post
. Archives are public

Group email: Fundamentalist-watch@googlegroups.com
Owner email: Fundamentalist-watch-owner@googlegroups.com
Atom feeds: 100 New topics
15 New topics
100 New messages
15 New messages
About Atom feeds

Who's this, attacking me? I'm not a self-ordained minister, I'm a
licensed accountant.

Uncle Davey

Uncle Davey,


Do you remember or have you ever seen the Laurel (a Brit) and Hardy
shows? Remember this line:


More here:

Very funny. I understand being united in persecution, but bringing it on
one's self and other brethren in this way is something I do not understand.

I ask myself whether the persecuted Church in the Soviet Union would have
done this, and listed out somewhere all the brethren who deserved to go to
the gulag, and I have to say I don't think so. But then they knew real
persecution. They knew that while "all that would live godly in Christ Jesus
would suffer persecution", it is quite another thing intentionally to
provoke it.

So I don't quite understand your link.

Uncle Davey
Uncle Davey wrote:
Użytkownik "Bible John" <john.doggett@x-files.gov> napisał w wiadomości

Who's this, attacking me? I'm not a self-ordained minister, I'm a properly
licensed accountant.

Uncle Davey
Yeah, but are you Orthodox CPA, or are you a member of one of those
heretical accounting cults?

On Sun, 24 Jul 2005 11:44:23 -0700, Bill Gray <wmgray1966@yahoo.com>

Uncle Davey wrote:
Użytkownik "Bible John" <john.doggett@x-files.gov> napisał w wiadomości

Who's this, attacking me? I'm not a self-ordained minister, I'm a properly
licensed accountant.

Uncle Davey

Yeah, but are you Orthodox CPA, or are you a member of one of those
heretical accounting cults?


He is chief accountant for the Secret Illuminati Society. Don't worry
Davey your secret is safe with me.

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