A flyback based on the new Infineon SiC...


Piotr Wyderski

Some time ago James Arthur sent here a notification about the
IMBF170R1K0M1XTMA1 SiC MOSFET. I have just re-prototyped one of my wide
input range flybacks, and the results are excellent. The performance is
comparable to the one with the 1700V C2M Cree part, but the converter\'s
structure is much simpler, which is good for reliability.

Thanks, James.

Best regards, Piotr
On Sun, 26 Jul 2020 09:19:31 +0200, Piotr Wyderski
<peter.pan@neverland.mil> wrote:

Some time ago James Arthur sent here a notification about the
IMBF170R1K0M1XTMA1 SiC MOSFET. I have just re-prototyped one of my wide
input range flybacks, and the results are excellent. The performance is
comparable to the one with the 1700V C2M Cree part, but the converter\'s
structure is much simpler, which is good for reliability.

Thanks, James.

Best regards, Piotr

What gate swing are you using?


John Larkin Highland Technology, Inc

Science teaches us to doubt.

Claude Bernard
jlarkin@highlandsniptechnology.com wrote:

> What gate swing are you using?

The hard limit of the controller\'s clamp is 14V, but the output voltage
is 13.6 and the secondary/aux ratio is 1, so the clamp should never be
active. The controller is UCC28701.

Best regards, Piotr

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