A couple of HV questions...........




I'm looking for information on first, if two flyback transformers output can
be connect in series to combine the total voltage output. Secondly, how to
measure High DC voltage rather than by spark. And Three, how I could change
the high DC voltage into High AC voltage and then change, increase, the
cycle per second, Hz, of the output.

If you could tell me or point me in the right direction to find this
information would be great!

Thanks in advance for your time,

greg wrote:
I'm looking for information on first, if two flyback transformers output
can be connect in series to combine the total voltage output. Secondly,
how to
measure High DC voltage rather than by spark. And Three, how I could
change the high DC voltage into High AC voltage and then change, increase,
the cycle per second, Hz, of the output.

If you could tell me or point me in the right direction to find this
information would be great!
If you could tell us what your final voltage and frequency objective are,
*that* would be great.

John Miller
Email address: domain, n4vu.com; username, jsm

Live so that you wouldn't be ashamed to sell the family parrot to the town
"greg" <isospin@hotmail.com> writes:


I'm looking for information on first, if two flyback transformers output can
be connect in series to combine the total voltage output. Secondly, how to
measure High DC voltage rather than by spark. And Three, how I could change
the high DC voltage into High AC voltage and then change, increase, the
cycle per second, Hz, of the output.
One side of the flyback output is usually connected to a pin on the
bottom so you'd have to well insulate them and isolate them from each
other and ground. Or, if there is no internal rectifier, you could
set up one to output to a positive rectified and the other negative
so you'd get +/- HV.

how to measure High DC voltage rather than by spark. And Three, how I
You really need a HV probe. See the FAQ on HV probes.

could change the high DC voltage into High AC voltage and then change,
increase, the cycle per secone, Hz, of the output.
Don't kow what you mean here.

BTW, it's very annoying to have just answered you by direct email and
then find the same question here. It would be polite to ask at one
place or the other but not both!

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