Michael Noone
Hi - I'm working on interfacing a TI ADS1252 ADC (http://www-
s.ti.com/sc/ds/ads1252.pdf) to an Atmel AVR (an 8b microcontroller, an
ATMEGA48). This one was marked as having SPI, which I thought would make it
easy to interface with. Now that I'm sitting down and wiring it up, I have
noticed something very strange. There are only *two* digital io lines,
while SPI typically has three. Can anybody tell me if the built in SPI
device in an AVR will be able to handle this?
Also - it asks for a clock input, but it only has one pin for the clock.
I'm used to just attaching a crystal and two capacitors for a clock signal,
but that doesn't exactly seem possible with only one clock pin. So - how
would I go about getting a 16Mhz clock signal?
Thanks for your help,
-Michael J. Noone
s.ti.com/sc/ds/ads1252.pdf) to an Atmel AVR (an 8b microcontroller, an
ATMEGA48). This one was marked as having SPI, which I thought would make it
easy to interface with. Now that I'm sitting down and wiring it up, I have
noticed something very strange. There are only *two* digital io lines,
while SPI typically has three. Can anybody tell me if the built in SPI
device in an AVR will be able to handle this?
Also - it asks for a clock input, but it only has one pin for the clock.
I'm used to just attaching a crystal and two capacitors for a clock signal,
but that doesn't exactly seem possible with only one clock pin. So - how
would I go about getting a 16Mhz clock signal?
Thanks for your help,
-Michael J. Noone