Randy Gross
In response to my post about an anti-cogging core:
Jasen Betts wrote:
however many phases you want.
I'm trying to make clear sense of the second paragraph describing the
stator arrangement. The ring core has the coil wrapped around it in a
continuous closed loop (toroidal), and then tapped equadistantly for
individual phases.
Would these be true phases or taps to siphon off a percentage of the
total voltage induced in the coil?
If they are true phases, how is the common referenced in the closed
loop to complete the circuit for each phase?
Jasen Betts wrote:
and the magnet is wound the output coils.In article <xn0e6551x3xjk4000@news.east.earthlink.net>, Randy Gross
Should the rings around the coils touch creating a complete path or,
should they "halo" the coils?
as I understand it he's decribing a setup where there's a magnet
rotating inside a freomagnetic ring and in the gaps between the ring
ends shorted (to make it continuous) and tapped at equal spacing forit seems to me that you could use a single continous coil wound around
the core like in a way similar to a toroidial transformer but with the
however many phases you want.
I'm trying to make clear sense of the second paragraph describing the
stator arrangement. The ring core has the coil wrapped around it in a
continuous closed loop (toroidal), and then tapped equadistantly for
individual phases.
Would these be true phases or taps to siphon off a percentage of the
total voltage induced in the coil?
If they are true phases, how is the common referenced in the closed
loop to complete the circuit for each phase?