9 volt battery powered timer relay switch



I am looking for a 24 hour event timer that can switch off and on a battry
operated PIR MURS radio transmiter alarm (Dakota Alert). The pir transmiter
uses 6- 1.5 volt AA battries for a total of 9VDC power source. When the
battries are installed it is in sensing 24 hours a day. I use this on a
const. site and want it to be off during the day and back on at nite, but
have it done electronically with a selfcontained system. I don,t wand to
hookup a 120v timer to a 9 vdc converter to switch it. Need a self
contained, or self powered 9 volt timer that could be set for any time I
want, to switch every day and save battries.Mabey even be powered by the
battrie power pack of the murs transmiter. Is there any kind of timer relay
out there that would work for this?
Hi Terry,

I am looking for a 24 hour event timer that can switch off and on a
battry operated PIR MURS radio transmiter alarm (Dakota Alert). The
pir transmiter uses 6- 1.5 volt AA battries for a total of 9VDC power
source. When the battries are installed it is in sensing 24 hours a
day. I use this on a const. site and want it to be off during the
day and back on at nite,
How about a light sensing switch which turns it on when it gets dark ?
It is much cheaper to use than a timer, and it is set-and-forget,
contrary to a timer, which might be loosing or gaining little, but will
accumulate the error).


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