8051 Development Board / 89C51 / MCS51 / 8052


Brian Clark

8051 Development Board / 89C51 / MCS51 / 8052

After searching for ages for an 8051 board I can develop stuff on I
finally gave up and made my own. Its not like I wanted anything really
advanced, just easy to use and easy to debug...

A few colleagues have bought them and reckon they're cool so we've put
them on our website for anyone who is interested.

Not everyone is looking for made up kits so the boards are available
separately for those that would like to make their own.

www.clayzer.com under Products/MCU Development Kits.


On Thu, 14 Jul 2005 21:15:19 +0000 (UTC), Brian Clark
<nospam@clayzer.com> wrote:

8051 Development Board / 89C51 / MCS51 / 8052

After searching for ages for an 8051 board I can develop stuff on I
finally gave up and made my own. Its not like I wanted anything really
advanced, just easy to use and easy to debug...

A few colleagues have bought them and reckon they're cool so we've put
them on our website for anyone who is interested.

Not everyone is looking for made up kits so the boards are available
separately for those that would like to make their own.

www.clayzer.com under Products/MCU Development Kits.
If you really feel compelled to post this every week:

1. Prefix the subject line with [ADV] so that only your posts that are
genuine advertisements are filtered by those who do not want to read the
same message, over and over. Otherwise, you're likely to find your name
on global kill files.

2. Cross-post instead of multi-post so that well-behaved usenet clients
can display the posting or header one time only and not in every group
in which it appears, over and over again.

In the meantime, you've exceeded my personal filter level so don't
bother replying to this; I won't see it.

Rich Webb Norfolk, VA

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