Bill Bowden
I located a program to generate 255 pseudo-random numbers in some
fixed sequence which repeats after 255 counts. 4 bits of the random
register (bits 3,4,5,7) are used as feedback to determine the next "1"
or "0" to clock into the shift register. Bits 4 and 5 are xored, and
that result is xored with bit 3. The result of that is xored with the
last bit 7 to yield a "1" or "0" to shift into the register. This
operation produces 255 non-repeating numbers in some scrambled order.
The question is, can this operation be done using fewer bits. Is it
possible to produce 255 pseudo-random numbers from an 8 bit shift
register using less than 4 bits as feedback?
fixed sequence which repeats after 255 counts. 4 bits of the random
register (bits 3,4,5,7) are used as feedback to determine the next "1"
or "0" to clock into the shift register. Bits 4 and 5 are xored, and
that result is xored with bit 3. The result of that is xored with the
last bit 7 to yield a "1" or "0" to shift into the register. This
operation produces 255 non-repeating numbers in some scrambled order.
The question is, can this operation be done using fewer bits. Is it
possible to produce 255 pseudo-random numbers from an 8 bit shift
register using less than 4 bits as feedback?