78R05, 78GU1, 79GU1 Voltage Regulators


Peter E. Orban

I could not find much data on the above chips.
All of them have four pins. I understand that the 78R05 has a reset pin.
Any info on those chips, anyone has data sheets by chance?

Thanks, Peter
Peter E. Orban
National Research Council of Canada
e-mail: peter.orban@nrc.ca
The 78GU1 and the 79GU1 have a sense(control) pin that goes to as close
to the load as possible. They can yield quite good regulation. It least
the 78GU1C does from my experience with it. . The 78 and 79 are positive
and negative respectively.The GU1Cs are adjustable and good for an amp.
They were made by Fairchild as I remember.
The smaller plastic package 78GU1C with the tab has a pinout as follows:
The tab is the common pin and it is common with pin 1. Pin four which is
the control pin is the pin nearest the locating notch. Pin 3 is the
output and pin 2 is the input pin. On the 79GU1C the tab is the input
pin and is common with pin four. Pin 3 is the output pin. Pin 2 is the
input pin.
On the TO-3 type package the pins as viewed from the bottom of the
device with the two widest spaced pins at the bottom are as follows:
The bottom left pin(pin 4) on the 78GU1 is common. The bottom right
pin(pin 1) is the input. The top left pin(pin 3) is the control and the
top right(pin 2) is the output.
As for the 79GU1 pin 1 is common and pin 2 is control and pin 3 is
output and pin 4 is input.
If I can scrounge the real data sheet up I can send it to you if you
supply me with an address or I can fax them to you. That is assuming I
can find the actula catalog. I am using the 1978 full line Fairchild
catalog for the pinouts but that doesn't help when trying to apply the
The input voltages are up to 30 volts for both devices and the output
current is 1 amp for both packages. The H is good for 5 amps. The
dropout voltage is abou 3 volts.
I hope that this helps in some way.
Phil Cline N9RKA
Peter E. Orban wrote:

I could not find much data on the above chips.
All of them have four pins. I understand that the 78R05 has a reset pin.
Any info on those chips, anyone has data sheets by chance?

Thanks, Peter
Peter E. Orban
National Research Council of Canada
e-mail: peter.orban@nrc.ca

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