Im currently using a 78L05 chip to power up my PIC 16C773 and my 231CPD
driver/ reciver chip. The circuit functions ok when running, but the circuit
is real hard to boot up. When the circuit is connected to Hyper-terminal
when phalse boots occur junk comes through.
The 78L05 is fead with 12V DC on the input and has a 10uF polarised cap
accross this input to ground. When i disconnect this cap the booting becomes
impossible and the junk on hyper-terminal is worse. Therefore if i say put a
100uF cap in place of my 10uF, would this solve all my problems? If so what
is the maths behind it, or is it just a plug and play theory?
After reading through a few of my monthly issues of practical electronics, i
notice that most of the circuits that they build us 100uF! Is this the
reason why they use them?
Cheers Turbo46
Im currently using a 78L05 chip to power up my PIC 16C773 and my 231CPD
driver/ reciver chip. The circuit functions ok when running, but the circuit
is real hard to boot up. When the circuit is connected to Hyper-terminal
when phalse boots occur junk comes through.
The 78L05 is fead with 12V DC on the input and has a 10uF polarised cap
accross this input to ground. When i disconnect this cap the booting becomes
impossible and the junk on hyper-terminal is worse. Therefore if i say put a
100uF cap in place of my 10uF, would this solve all my problems? If so what
is the maths behind it, or is it just a plug and play theory?
After reading through a few of my monthly issues of practical electronics, i
notice that most of the circuits that they build us 100uF! Is this the
reason why they use them?
Cheers Turbo46