We are looking at noise of a 7815 voltage regulator. Missing other instrumentation our first idea was to measure AC across the 15V with a Keithley 2700 DVM.
If we connect the minus of the regulator to Earth, measured AC voltage (noise?) goes down by a factor of 10. Why? 100nF is sufficient, same if fully earthed.
My first idea was that we don't know how the 2700 measures relativ to ground/Earth, so we put in an isolation transformer, but same result.
The voltage regulator is standard by data sheet, has some large aluminum electrolytes on input and output, bridge rectifier, print transformer from 230V, protective diodes.
Any ideas are appreciated.
If we connect the minus of the regulator to Earth, measured AC voltage (noise?) goes down by a factor of 10. Why? 100nF is sufficient, same if fully earthed.
My first idea was that we don't know how the 2700 measures relativ to ground/Earth, so we put in an isolation transformer, but same result.
The voltage regulator is standard by data sheet, has some large aluminum electrolytes on input and output, bridge rectifier, print transformer from 230V, protective diodes.
Any ideas are appreciated.