741 op-amp and 555 timer project ideas????



i have already known what an op-amp is and also what 555 timer is. But
i still have not gotten the idea what's the purpose of the pins. How
can i eever integrate the 741 op-amp with the 555 timer????

May you help me electronic people. I'm an electronics engineering
student looking for 741 + 555 timer project ideas.


reggie wrote:
i have already known what an op-amp is and also what 555 timer is. But
i still have not gotten the idea what's the purpose of the pins. How
can i eever integrate the 741 op-amp with the 555 timer????
I am not sure what you mean by, "what's the purpose of the pins".
Please elaborate. My guess is that you mean you do not fully
understand the purpose and function of each of the pins on these
chips. Do you have copies of their data sheets?

May you help me electronic people. I'm an electronics engineering
student looking for 741 + 555 timer project ideas.
Do you have a course requirement to come up with an application that
uses both these chips?

If not, I suggest you change that combo to the LM324 quad opamp (or
the LM393 dual) and the 555 (or the CMOS LMC555 version). This kind
of opamp is better suited to operate from the same supply as the timer.
May you help me electronic people.
GBU (reggie)
I'll give you a hand with your Usenet technique:

Do not post the same queation INVIVIDUALLY to several groups.

Figure out in what groups you would like your question to appear
and the first (AND ONLY) time you post it
put ALL OF THEM on the To: line (the Groups: line).

This is called cross-posting.
"reggie" <francis_michael2001@yahoo.com> wrote in message
|i have already known what an op-amp is and also what 555 timer is. But
| i still have not gotten the idea what's the purpose of the pins. How
| can i eever integrate the 741 op-amp with the 555 timer????
| May you help me electronic people. I'm an electronics engineering
| student looking for 741 + 555 timer project ideas.
| Thanks>>

Maybe something like:



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