741 gain



Thank you all.
It's set up as simple inverter, with (+) pin to ground via same R as
the input R and only 100Hz.

Still working on it, but I replaced the F/B circuit with only 10ohms
(R) between signal and (-) pin, and 1000k between (-) pin and output,
for closed loop gain 100x and it worked. So it seems that I need low
R at (-) input terminal. You see, I had been using R=1k and the
feedback R=100k.

Now, my fcn generator has about 700 o/p impedance. Does that matter?

I had similar problem with AD8620 and CA3140...still working on them.

Right now, of course, my PSU won't power up.........it usually works
even unloaded(well, it was built to tolerate that anyway).

So...I'm S.O.L. now, and will have to build a new one or buy made.

More later......

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