Many years ago an neighbor built what reminded me of a crytal radio in
that it had a many turn loop antenna, tunable capacitor, and a diode.
(It could have been a bridge) It was tuned for 60hz and it charged a
capacitor just from the 60 hz field in his garage. The loop antenna
was wound on an X frame of wood with a fine magnet type wire.
I lost contact with him years ago so I'm unable to ask him. I have a
limited understanding of LC circuits and crystal radios. I would like
to build such an item. Can anyone help or point me in the right
that it had a many turn loop antenna, tunable capacitor, and a diode.
(It could have been a bridge) It was tuned for 60hz and it charged a
capacitor just from the 60 hz field in his garage. The loop antenna
was wound on an X frame of wood with a fine magnet type wire.
I lost contact with him years ago so I'm unable to ask him. I have a
limited understanding of LC circuits and crystal radios. I would like
to build such an item. Can anyone help or point me in the right