I know I can't have everything, but I'm going to ask for it anyway.
The circuit is 8 or so opamps, comparators, and logic circuits driven
by +/-5 V. It will run on batteries. Is there a comparatively cheap
(double the price? maybe triple) but more efficient regulator than the
7805/7905 for this application? i don't want the batteries throwing
all their energy into heatsinks and running out in 5 minutes. if
switching, it's got to have decent noisefreeness. noise above the
audio band is fine.
Any suggestions? the lm2940 looks promising, but you folks probably
know better...
The circuit is 8 or so opamps, comparators, and logic circuits driven
by +/-5 V. It will run on batteries. Is there a comparatively cheap
(double the price? maybe triple) but more efficient regulator than the
7805/7905 for this application? i don't want the batteries throwing
all their energy into heatsinks and running out in 5 minutes. if
switching, it's got to have decent noisefreeness. noise above the
audio band is fine.
Any suggestions? the lm2940 looks promising, but you folks probably
know better...