The problem COULD BE as follows:
1. 5G and other electro magnetic radiation "SHAKES" virusses and REARRANGES virusses DNA and RNA, in principle creating new and/or powerfull evolved/mutated/reactivated VIRUSSES.
2. Every time the electro magnetic frequency changes a PANDEMIC OCCURS.
Introduction of telegraph cables, radio, RADAR, mobile phones, satelittes and now G5 all coincided with pandemics !
To me it seems obvious this is because VIRUS code is changed by the ERM and thus our Immune systems don't recognize it and don't know what to do against it.
3. It is an inconvenient thruth because of trillions of dollars of equipment and industry/bussiness.
4. It's tiny and hard to understand by the average "social" brain.
5. People very found of their electronics and mobile phones and don't want to hear about this ! LOL.
6. Bridges can collapse because of frequencies/resonance. Matter heats up in microwave. All of these are caused by frequencies, standing waves.
7. Tesla said something like: "Who wants to discover the secrets of the universe better learn about frequencies".
8. This Elon Musk Satelitte network of 12.000 satelittes is completely INSANE.
This could prove to be the most POWERFULL WEAPON EVER constructed.
It will IRIADIATE every square inch/centimeter of this planet. INCLUDING THE SEAS/OCEANS which are FULL of VIRUSSES. 10^32 virusses is the estimation.
Can you IMAGINE what will happen if all these VIRUSSES get radiated like this ?!
It could very well be that this "weaker" ERM is just the thing these VIRUSSES NEED to change/mutate.
9. If Elon Musk decides to change the FREQUENCIES of these waves it will constantly change the make up of VIRUSSES, their DNA/RNA combinations or physical properties/positions of tenticles and such will keep changing. Making it very hard for our Immune systems to combat this.
10. Not all is lost. Shielding ourselfes against this ERM is somewhat possible and might be some sort of defense.
Right now I cannot recommend this network to be completed until more is known about the effect of non-ionizing electro magnetic radiation on virusses.
This has been poorly studied. There are some references and reports about the effects of ERM on DNA/RNA and even non-ionizing ERM can causes changes/damage to DNA.
11. Even "destroying" virusses with frequencies shaking them apart could make matters worse by shattering their DNA/RNA chemicals which would allow tp re-arrange and attachment later in new combinations.
Perhaps the USA goverment is in on it and wants to kill large parts of the world/life on this planet. Even animal's immune systems could be affected.
Or russian goverment.
Or they simply kinda stupid, don't know what they approved, yes this satelitte network is already approved without knowing exactly what effects it will have on the environment.
12. USA law is full of "gap-orders" and city councils are not allowed to discuss the effect of ERM and to protect health. Health is secondair apperently. Economic gain is apperently more important.
13. Now that Corona has broken out the world has had a WAKE UP call to the dangerous of VIRUSSES. From computer simulation I already know how scary and dangerous these things are and how fast they can evolve, it scares the shit out of me. Evolution created many scary things/animals/bugs/insects apperently.
It's not to be taken lightly.
14. Corona is a "mild" virus in my oppinion. It only kills the elderly mostly. The weak ones, the sick ones. My big worry is a much more powerfull virus may be unleashed, and even very soon if G5 and Satelittes are enabled.
15. We may very well WITNESS ANOTHER PANDEMIC OUTBREAK right after the Corona Virus is defeated. Just like nobody believed MH17 would happen after a airplane from that airline already mysteriously disappeared. This secondary outbreak may be caused by G5 ERM and/or Satelitte network.
16. Even a THIRD or FOUTH pandemic is not unlikely if G5 spreads across the world. Different parts of the world could have different virusses make up/code.
17. Basically our immune systems could become overwelmed with many different virusses originating out of the sea/oceans and then spreading via fish/dolphins/wales to other animals eating from their corpses, drinking their feces and so forth.
18. This means that countries with lots of rivers/water/oceans/lakes are all at risk of contracting these diseases rapidly. Unfortunately this seems to be the general case according to People house/live near water supplies/rivers and so forth. Rivers are running basically everywhere..
19. Africa seems to be the least hit by Corona. This could very well be because there is less ERM there, weakening immune systems less. More likely is the lack of planes and airports/airfields spreading the virus rapidly like in Europe and USA.
23. COMPARE THE VIRUSES UNDER ELECTRON CANNONS and COMPARE before and after to see/detect any changes by ERM.
24. All LIFE on earth depends on this research being done.
Lack of Alien societies hypothesis:
25. It could very well be that "intelligent alien life" gets destroyed by VIRUSSES as Aliens discover ERM and basically NUKE themselfes into oblivion by ERM by the time the understand the dangers they died out.
Bye for now,
1. 5G and other electro magnetic radiation "SHAKES" virusses and REARRANGES virusses DNA and RNA, in principle creating new and/or powerfull evolved/mutated/reactivated VIRUSSES.
2. Every time the electro magnetic frequency changes a PANDEMIC OCCURS.
Introduction of telegraph cables, radio, RADAR, mobile phones, satelittes and now G5 all coincided with pandemics !
To me it seems obvious this is because VIRUS code is changed by the ERM and thus our Immune systems don't recognize it and don't know what to do against it.
3. It is an inconvenient thruth because of trillions of dollars of equipment and industry/bussiness.
4. It's tiny and hard to understand by the average "social" brain.
5. People very found of their electronics and mobile phones and don't want to hear about this ! LOL.
6. Bridges can collapse because of frequencies/resonance. Matter heats up in microwave. All of these are caused by frequencies, standing waves.
7. Tesla said something like: "Who wants to discover the secrets of the universe better learn about frequencies".
8. This Elon Musk Satelitte network of 12.000 satelittes is completely INSANE.
This could prove to be the most POWERFULL WEAPON EVER constructed.
It will IRIADIATE every square inch/centimeter of this planet. INCLUDING THE SEAS/OCEANS which are FULL of VIRUSSES. 10^32 virusses is the estimation.
Can you IMAGINE what will happen if all these VIRUSSES get radiated like this ?!
It could very well be that this "weaker" ERM is just the thing these VIRUSSES NEED to change/mutate.
9. If Elon Musk decides to change the FREQUENCIES of these waves it will constantly change the make up of VIRUSSES, their DNA/RNA combinations or physical properties/positions of tenticles and such will keep changing. Making it very hard for our Immune systems to combat this.
10. Not all is lost. Shielding ourselfes against this ERM is somewhat possible and might be some sort of defense.
Right now I cannot recommend this network to be completed until more is known about the effect of non-ionizing electro magnetic radiation on virusses.
This has been poorly studied. There are some references and reports about the effects of ERM on DNA/RNA and even non-ionizing ERM can causes changes/damage to DNA.
11. Even "destroying" virusses with frequencies shaking them apart could make matters worse by shattering their DNA/RNA chemicals which would allow tp re-arrange and attachment later in new combinations.
Perhaps the USA goverment is in on it and wants to kill large parts of the world/life on this planet. Even animal's immune systems could be affected.
Or russian goverment.
Or they simply kinda stupid, don't know what they approved, yes this satelitte network is already approved without knowing exactly what effects it will have on the environment.
12. USA law is full of "gap-orders" and city councils are not allowed to discuss the effect of ERM and to protect health. Health is secondair apperently. Economic gain is apperently more important.
13. Now that Corona has broken out the world has had a WAKE UP call to the dangerous of VIRUSSES. From computer simulation I already know how scary and dangerous these things are and how fast they can evolve, it scares the shit out of me. Evolution created many scary things/animals/bugs/insects apperently.
It's not to be taken lightly.
14. Corona is a "mild" virus in my oppinion. It only kills the elderly mostly. The weak ones, the sick ones. My big worry is a much more powerfull virus may be unleashed, and even very soon if G5 and Satelittes are enabled.
15. We may very well WITNESS ANOTHER PANDEMIC OUTBREAK right after the Corona Virus is defeated. Just like nobody believed MH17 would happen after a airplane from that airline already mysteriously disappeared. This secondary outbreak may be caused by G5 ERM and/or Satelitte network.
16. Even a THIRD or FOUTH pandemic is not unlikely if G5 spreads across the world. Different parts of the world could have different virusses make up/code.
17. Basically our immune systems could become overwelmed with many different virusses originating out of the sea/oceans and then spreading via fish/dolphins/wales to other animals eating from their corpses, drinking their feces and so forth.
18. This means that countries with lots of rivers/water/oceans/lakes are all at risk of contracting these diseases rapidly. Unfortunately this seems to be the general case according to People house/live near water supplies/rivers and so forth. Rivers are running basically everywhere..
19. Africa seems to be the least hit by Corona. This could very well be because there is less ERM there, weakening immune systems less. More likely is the lack of planes and airports/airfields spreading the virus rapidly like in Europe and USA.
23. COMPARE THE VIRUSES UNDER ELECTRON CANNONS and COMPARE before and after to see/detect any changes by ERM.
24. All LIFE on earth depends on this research being done.
Lack of Alien societies hypothesis:
25. It could very well be that "intelligent alien life" gets destroyed by VIRUSSES as Aliens discover ERM and basically NUKE themselfes into oblivion by ERM by the time the understand the dangers they died out.
Bye for now,