Hi All.
I am using the 555 timer for a basic circuit. I am using the circuit in the
back of the Dick Smith catalogue Can anyone help me with the values of the
Cap and resister. The time I want is 2 minute (120sec) +- 10 seconds. I
have tried various values, but it is unreliable, and on most occasions stays
on for a long time, and I can't wait that long and normally manually reset
it. If someone can give me the right values, then I may be able to see if
the time problem is somewhere else in the circuit.
Thanks in advance for any replies.
I am using the 555 timer for a basic circuit. I am using the circuit in the
back of the Dick Smith catalogue Can anyone help me with the values of the
Cap and resister. The time I want is 2 minute (120sec) +- 10 seconds. I
have tried various values, but it is unreliable, and on most occasions stays
on for a long time, and I can't wait that long and normally manually reset
it. If someone can give me the right values, then I may be able to see if
the time problem is somewhere else in the circuit.
Thanks in advance for any replies.