555 timer circuit


John Winstead

I'm trying to build a 555 or 556 timing circuit that creates a 5 second
pulse to activate a small reed relay once every 5 or 6 minutes. Can anyone
help me with that?
Thank You.
"John Winstead" <jlwin@carolina.rr.com> wrote:

I'm trying to build a 555 or 556 timing circuit that creates a 5 second
pulse to activate a small reed relay once every 5 or 6 minutes. Can anyone
help me with that?
Thank You.
Here's a circuit to do it.

A simple 555 astable cannot give a duty cycle of under 50%. Your
requirement is for about 2% (1/60). However, a standard astable with
any of the combinations below gives an output that is approximately 5s
low and 5 mins high. You then simply invert that, or (easier) use a
reed relay which gives the required action, as shown in my schematic.
IOW, instead of using normally open contacts, use normally closed or
vice-versa as appropriate to your intended application.

You didn't specify voltage supply. I've assumed 12V, but the identical
circuit is good for 5 - 15V.

If you want reasonable precision, ensure Ct is a good quality, low
leakage cap. Use a pot or preset in series with one or both timing
resistors to adjust High and Low times by trial and error if you wish.

Ct R(Upper) R(Lower)
--- ------ --------
82uF 5.2M 88k
47uF 10.0M 154k
100uF 4.7M 72k
220uF 2.2M 33k
330uF 1.3M 22k
470uF 1.0M 15k
1000uF 470k 8k

Terry Pinnell
Hobbyist, West Sussex, UK
On Fri, 13 May 2005 12:31:01 GMT, "John Winstead"
<jlwin@carolina.rr.com> wrote:

I'm trying to build a 555 or 556 timing circuit that creates a 5 second
pulse to activate a small reed relay once every 5 or 6 minutes. Can anyone
help me with that?
Check s.e.d. and, next time, crosspost.

John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer

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