555 monostable basics



If another trigger pulse comes along to a 555 wired as a monostable,
*while it is already triggered by the first pulse, does it "reset" and
start a new output (as if that 2nd pulse was the first)?
(hope that makes some kind of sense!)
On Wed, 12 Oct 2011 11:07:13 +0100, mike <mike@> wrote:

If another trigger pulse comes along to a 555 wired as a monostable,
*while it is already triggered by the first pulse, does it "reset" and
start a new output (as if that 2nd pulse was the first)?
(hope that makes some kind of sense!)
Well, there is what is called a "retriggerable monostable" where
subsequent pulses after the initial trigger (but before the output pulse
completes) adds to the output pulse an additional pulse period that
begins with that subsequent input trigger. In other words, many quick
pulses yield one long output pulse that times out one output period
after the last trigger.

There is also the case where the subsequent pulse does "reset" the
output pulse to the quiescent state before it begins a new output pulse,
often called a "restartable monostable." Many quick inputs yield many
quick outputs the basic period pulse output after the last trigger.

A quick 'net search for either of those terms, plus "555," should turn
up some candidates. There is also an inexpensive software app from
Schematica that has wizards for these and many other 555 variations plus
some handy aids for students/hobbyists/enthusiasts/new-guys. Look over
at http://www.schematica.com/

Rich Webb Norfolk, VA
On Wed, 12 Oct 2011 11:07:13 +0100, mike <mike@> wrote:

If another trigger pulse comes along to a 555 wired as a monostable,
*while it is already triggered by the first pulse, does it "reset" and
start a new output (as if that 2nd pulse was the first)?
(hope that makes some kind of sense!)
It does, [make sense] and the short answer is: "No."

However, there are ways to make a 555 "retriggerrable" as it's called.


On Wed, 12 Oct 2011 07:36:04 -0500, John Fields
<jfields@austininstruments.com> wrote:

On Wed, 12 Oct 2011 11:07:13 +0100, mike <mike@> wrote:

If another trigger pulse comes along to a 555 wired as a monostable,
*while it is already triggered by the first pulse, does it "reset" and
start a new output (as if that 2nd pulse was the first)?
(hope that makes some kind of sense!)

It does, [make sense] and the short answer is: "No."

However, there are ways to make a 555 "retriggerrable" as it's called.

Thanks for the replies.
Yes interested - I've looked at several 555 design sites -not yet
found one that covers this "condition". From your replies I see both
possibilities are there with there with the 555 - an amazing piece of
design that chip - no wonder its been around so long.
mike wrote:
Yes interested - I've looked at several 555 design sites -not yet
found one that covers this "condition". From your replies I see both
possibilities are there with there with the 555 - an amazing piece of
design that chip - no wonder its been around so long.

Look for for '555+missing pulse detector' to see a retriggerable
configuration that does what you asked.

You can't have a sense of humor, if you have no sense.
On Wed, 12 Oct 2011, mike wrote:

If another trigger pulse comes along to a 555 wired as a monostable,
*while it is already triggered by the first pulse, does it "reset" and
start a new output (as if that 2nd pulse was the first)?
(hope that makes some kind of sense!)

You could just breadboard it and see yourself. If you have no scope, do
it with a long pulse so you can see the output with an LED.

On Wed, 12 Oct 2011 15:12:49 +0100, mike <mike@> wrote:

On Wed, 12 Oct 2011 07:36:04 -0500, John Fields
jfields@austininstruments.com> wrote:

On Wed, 12 Oct 2011 11:07:13 +0100, mike <mike@> wrote:

If another trigger pulse comes along to a 555 wired as a monostable,
*while it is already triggered by the first pulse, does it "reset" and
start a new output (as if that 2nd pulse was the first)?
(hope that makes some kind of sense!)

It does, [make sense] and the short answer is: "No."

However, there are ways to make a 555 "retriggerrable" as it's called.


Thanks for the replies.
Yes interested - I've looked at several 555 design sites -not yet
found one that covers this "condition". From your replies I see both
possibilities are there with there with the 555 - an amazing piece of
design that chip - no wonder its been around so long.

Below is an LTspice circuit list that you can use to see (and edit, if
you want to) the circuit schematic and run a simulation of the
retriggerable 555 circuit.

If you don't have LTspice you can download it for free at:


what you'll need to do to run the sim is to copy the circuit list to a
file and name it anything you like as long as it has a .asc extension,
say, "555 retrigger.asc"

Then, once you've got LTspice installed and running, use it to
navigate over to the file and left click on it.

You'll see the schematic fill the screen and, once it does, right
click anywhere on the background, then left click on "RUN" in the menu
box that pops up.

The sim will run, and when it's done you can probe around the
schematic and left click on any node and see the waveform in the
waveform viewer.


Circuit list follows:

Version 4
SHEET 1 960 772
WIRE 224 144 -96 144
WIRE -192 208 -288 208
WIRE -96 208 -96 144
WIRE -96 208 -192 208
WIRE -64 208 -96 208
WIRE 256 208 160 208
WIRE -192 240 -192 208
WIRE -64 272 -96 272
WIRE 192 272 160 272
WIRE -96 336 -96 272
WIRE -64 336 -96 336
WIRE 320 336 160 336
WIRE 352 336 320 336
WIRE -192 368 -192 320
WIRE -96 368 -96 336
WIRE -96 368 -192 368
WIRE -192 400 -192 368
WIRE 224 400 224 144
WIRE 224 400 160 400
WIRE 320 464 320 336
WIRE -96 480 -96 368
WIRE 16 528 -32 528
WIRE 192 528 192 272
WIRE 192 528 96 528
WIRE -288 560 -288 208
WIRE 192 560 192 528
WIRE -288 688 -288 640
WIRE -192 688 -192 464
WIRE -192 688 -288 688
WIRE -96 688 -96 576
WIRE -96 688 -192 688
WIRE 192 688 192 640
WIRE 192 688 -96 688
WIRE 256 688 256 208
WIRE 256 688 192 688
WIRE 320 688 320 544
WIRE 320 688 256 688
WIRE -288 752 -288 688
FLAG -288 752 0
FLAG 352 336 OUT
SYMBOL Misc\\NE555 48 304 M0
SYMBOL voltage 192 544 M0
WINDOW 3 24 104 Invisible 2
WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 2
WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 2
WINDOW 0 33 19 Left 2
SYMATTR Value PULSE(5 0 1 .1U .1U .1 .5 10)
SYMBOL voltage -288 544 M0
WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 2
SYMATTR SpiceLine Rser=0
SYMBOL res 336 448 M0
WINDOW 0 -42 36 Left 2
WINDOW 3 -57 70 Left 2
SYMATTR Value 1000
SYMBOL res -176 224 M0
SYMATTR Value 2meg
SYMBOL cap -176 400 M0
SYMATTR Value 1ľ
SYMBOL pnp -32 576 R180
WINDOW 0 58 35 Left 2
WINDOW 3 52 64 Left 2
SYMATTR Value 2N4403
SYMBOL res 0 512 M90
WINDOW 0 65 59 VBottom 2
WINDOW 3 68 59 VTop 2
SYMATTR Value 1000
TEXT -80 720 Right 2 !.tran 0 10s 0 .001s startup uic

On Wed, 12 Oct 2011 12:11:31 -0500, John Fields
<jfields@austininstruments.com> wrote:

On Wed, 12 Oct 2011 15:12:49 +0100, mike <mike@> wrote:

On Wed, 12 Oct 2011 07:36:04 -0500, John Fields
jfields@austininstruments.com> wrote:

On Wed, 12 Oct 2011 11:07:13 +0100, mike <mike@> wrote:

If another trigger pulse comes along to a 555 wired as a monostable,
*while it is already triggered by the first pulse, does it "reset" and
start a new output (as if that 2nd pulse was the first)?
(hope that makes some kind of sense!)

It does, [make sense] and the short answer is: "No."

However, there are ways to make a 555 "retriggerrable" as it's called.


Thanks for the replies.
Yes interested - I've looked at several 555 design sites -not yet
found one that covers this "condition". From your replies I see both
possibilities are there with there with the 555 - an amazing piece of
design that chip - no wonder its been around so long.


Below is an LTspice circuit list that you can use to see (and edit, if
you want to) the circuit schematic and run a simulation of the
retriggerable 555 circuit.
BTW, if you don't want to do the LTspice thing, here it is in ASCII:

.. +V
.. |
.. +-------+
.. | |8
.. [Rt] +---+---+
..__ | 2|_ Vcc |3
..IN>---+------------------|--O|T OUT|--> OUT
.. | | 6| |
.. | +---|TH |
.. [1KR] | 7|_ 7555|
.. | +--[<1N4148]--+--O|D |
.. | | | | GND |
.. | E |+ +---+---+
.. +--B 2N4403 [Ct] |1
.. C | |
.. | | |
.. +---[100R]----+-------+
.. |
.. GND
Where IN looks like this:

__/ ____
| |
-->| |<-- dT = <dT OUT
mike wrote:
If another trigger pulse comes along to a 555 wired as a monostable,
*while it is already triggered by the first pulse, does it "reset" and
start a new output (as if that 2nd pulse was the first)?
(hope that makes some kind of sense!)
If It's being triggered by the Trigger input, no. It will complete
the first initial cycle, how ever, you can force a reset of the time
constant if you wish.

I am sure others are going to offer you a ton of options if that is
what you need.

On Wed, 12 Oct 2011 17:40:11 -0400, Jamie
<jamie_ka1lpa_not_valid_after_ka1lpa_@charter.net> wrote:

mike wrote:
If another trigger pulse comes along to a 555 wired as a monostable,
*while it is already triggered by the first pulse, does it "reset" and
start a new output (as if that 2nd pulse was the first)?
(hope that makes some kind of sense!)

If It's being triggered by the Trigger input, no. It will complete
the first initial cycle, how ever, you can force a reset of the time
constant if you wish.
Talk is cheap. How would you do that?

I am sure others are going to offer you a ton of options if that is
what you need.
And you, with no help in hand, intruded into the forum for what

John Fields wrote:

On Wed, 12 Oct 2011 17:40:11 -0400, Jamie
jamie_ka1lpa_not_valid_after_ka1lpa_@charter.net> wrote:

mike wrote:

If another trigger pulse comes along to a 555 wired as a monostable,
*while it is already triggered by the first pulse, does it "reset" and
start a new output (as if that 2nd pulse was the first)?
(hope that makes some kind of sense!)

If It's being triggered by the Trigger input, no. It will complete
the first initial cycle, how ever, you can force a reset of the time
constant if you wish.

Talk is cheap. How would you do that?
Don't be so ridiculous. If you think working with a timer makes some
one special, mainly you, then you are getting a little confused in life.

I am sure others are going to offer you a ton of options if that is
what you need.

And you, with no help in hand, intruded into the forum for what

Intrude? I didn't ask for your opinion either. So who is doing the
intruding? or should I say, instigating?

Is this forum just for you and yours cronies? Is there an
initiation I must go through, rules set by yours truly?

If I knew you were some young hoodlum I would tell you to grow up
how ever, I know that isn't the case and I find it surprising that you
would behave in such a manner that would confuse others that didn't know
you better, or maybe, we don't know you that well? Are you leading a
multiple life there John? Have little friends you talk to upstairs?

Jesus john, go play your violin else where, I know far more than I
need to know about working with a timer.

If the solutions offered were not satisfactory to the poster, I am
sure many others here, including myself would of been more than happy to
offer some other alternatives. But why waste bandwidth and time when you
know people like you are just jumping at the bit to try and impress some

On Wed, 12 Oct 2011 21:15:08 -0400, Jamie
<jamie_ka1lpa_not_valid_after_ka1lpa_@charter.net> wrote:

John Fields wrote:

On Wed, 12 Oct 2011 17:40:11 -0400, Jamie
jamie_ka1lpa_not_valid_after_ka1lpa_@charter.net> wrote:

mike wrote:

If another trigger pulse comes along to a 555 wired as a monostable,
*while it is already triggered by the first pulse, does it "reset" and
start a new output (as if that 2nd pulse was the first)?
(hope that makes some kind of sense!)

If It's being triggered by the Trigger input, no. It will complete
the first initial cycle, how ever, you can force a reset of the time
constant if you wish.

Talk is cheap. How would you do that?

Don't be so ridiculous. If you think working with a timer makes some
one special, mainly you, then you are getting a little confused in life.
What I find somewhat confusing is why, when a question has already
been answered satisfactorily, you and your ilk find it necessary to
echo what's already been said as if it emerged, originally, from you.

I am sure others are going to offer you a ton of options if that is
what you need.

And you, with no help in hand, intruded into the forum for what

Intrude? I didn't ask for your opinion either.
Apples and oranges.

So who is doing the intruding? or should I say, instigating?
The two terms have entirely different meanings, so you'd be well
advised to consult a dictionary, (that is,if you knew how) before
unknowingly embarrassing yourself publicly.

Is this forum just for you and yours cronies? Is there an
initiation I must go through, rules set by yours truly?
Certainly not, but there are rules, set by the entire community, which
the ignorati fail to discern.

If I knew you were some young hoodlum I would tell you to grow up
how ever, I know that isn't the case and I find it surprising that you
would behave in such a manner that would confuse others that didn't know
you better, or maybe, we don't know you that well?
Confuse them???

In what way?

Are you leading a multiple life there John?
Have little friends you talk to upstairs?
Ignoratio elenchi.

Jesus john, go play your violin else where, I know far more than I
need to know about working with a timer.
Then it seems odd that, instead of sharing your wisdom with the OP,
you chose to slough the task on to others.

If the solutions offered were not satisfactory to the poster, I am
sure many others here, including myself would of been more than happy to
offer some other alternatives. But why waste bandwidth and time when you
know people like you are just jumping at the bit to try and impress some
Such being the case, your response was, and is, contradictory to your:
"But why waste bandwidth and time when you know people like you are
just jumping at the bit to try and impress some one."

BTW, it's "champing" at the bit.

On Wed, 12 Oct 2011 11:07:13 +0100, mike <mike@> wrote:

If another trigger pulse comes along to a 555 wired as a monostable,
*while it is already triggered by the first pulse, does it "reset" and
start a new output (as if that 2nd pulse was the first)?
(hope that makes some kind of sense!)
Not a vanilla 555 circuit. A 74123 (or HC123) is retriggerable.

John Fields wrote:

On Wed, 12 Oct 2011 21:15:08 -0400, Jamie
jamie_ka1lpa_not_valid_after_ka1lpa_@charter.net> wrote:

John Fields wrote:

On Wed, 12 Oct 2011 17:40:11 -0400, Jamie
jamie_ka1lpa_not_valid_after_ka1lpa_@charter.net> wrote:

mike wrote:

If another trigger pulse comes along to a 555 wired as a monostable,
*while it is already triggered by the first pulse, does it "reset" and
start a new output (as if that 2nd pulse was the first)?
(hope that makes some kind of sense!)

If It's being triggered by the Trigger input, no. It will complete
the first initial cycle, how ever, you can force a reset of the time
constant if you wish.

Talk is cheap. How would you do that?

Don't be so ridiculous. If you think working with a timer makes some
one special, mainly you, then you are getting a little confused in life.

What I find somewhat confusing is why, when a question has already
been answered satisfactorily, you and your ilk find it necessary to
echo what's already been said as if it emerged, originally, from you.

I am sure others are going to offer you a ton of options if that is
what you need.

And you, with no help in hand, intruded into the forum for what

Intrude? I didn't ask for your opinion either.

Apples and oranges.

So who is doing the intruding? or should I say, instigating?

The two terms have entirely different meanings, so you'd be well
advised to consult a dictionary, (that is,if you knew how) before
unknowingly embarrassing yourself publicly.

Is this forum just for you and yours cronies? Is there an
initiation I must go through, rules set by yours truly?

Certainly not, but there are rules, set by the entire community, which
the ignorati fail to discern.

If I knew you were some young hoodlum I would tell you to grow up
how ever, I know that isn't the case and I find it surprising that you
would behave in such a manner that would confuse others that didn't know
you better, or maybe, we don't know you that well?

Confuse them???

In what way?

Are you leading a multiple life there John?
Have little friends you talk to upstairs?

Ignoratio elenchi.

Jesus john, go play your violin else where, I know far more than I
need to know about working with a timer.

Then it seems odd that, instead of sharing your wisdom with the OP,
you chose to slough the task on to others.

If the solutions offered were not satisfactory to the poster, I am
sure many others here, including myself would of been more than happy to
offer some other alternatives. But why waste bandwidth and time when you
know people like you are just jumping at the bit to try and impress some

Such being the case, your response was, and is, contradictory to your:
"But why waste bandwidth and time when you know people like you are
just jumping at the bit to try and impress some one."

BTW, it's "champing" at the bit.

what a waste of bandspace and storage!

On Thu, 13 Oct 2011 20:02:46 -0400, Jamie
<jamie_ka1lpa_not_valid_after_ka1lpa_@charter.net> wrote:

what a waste of bandspace and storage!
So says the hypocrite loon who doesn't trim for relevance, but instead
responds to 504 words with 7.

John Fields wrote:
On Thu, 13 Oct 2011 20:02:46 -0400, Jamie
jamie_ka1lpa_not_valid_after_ka1lpa_@charter.net> wrote:

what a waste of bandspace and storage!

So says the hypocrite loon who doesn't trim for relevance, but instead
responds to 504 words with 7.
Another waste of bandspace.

On Fri, 14 Oct 2011 18:03:05 -0400, Jamie
<jamie_ka1lpa_not_valid_after_ka1lpa_@charter.net> wrote:

John Fields wrote:
On Thu, 13 Oct 2011 20:02:46 -0400, Jamie
jamie_ka1lpa_not_valid_after_ka1lpa_@charter.net> wrote:

what a waste of bandspace and storage!

So says the hypocrite loon who doesn't trim for relevance, but instead
responds to 504 words with 7.

Another waste of bandspace.


Reducing 7 to 0 would be ideal.

John Fields wrote:

On Fri, 14 Oct 2011 18:03:05 -0400, Jamie
jamie_ka1lpa_not_valid_after_ka1lpa_@charter.net> wrote:

John Fields wrote:

On Thu, 13 Oct 2011 20:02:46 -0400, Jamie
jamie_ka1lpa_not_valid_after_ka1lpa_@charter.net> wrote:

what a waste of bandspace and storage!

So says the hypocrite loon who doesn't trim for relevance, but instead
responds to 504 words with 7.

Another waste of bandspace.



Reducing 7 to 0 would be ideal.

Now you're catching on.
Jamie wrote:
John Fields wrote:

On Fri, 14 Oct 2011 18:03:05 -0400, Jamie
jamie_ka1lpa_not_valid_after_ka1lpa_@charter.net> wrote:

John Fields wrote:

On Thu, 13 Oct 2011 20:02:46 -0400, Jamie
jamie_ka1lpa_not_valid_after_ka1lpa_@charter.net> wrote:

what a waste of bandspace and storage!

So says the hypocrite loon who doesn't trim for relevance, but instead
responds to 504 words with 7.

Another waste of bandspace.



Reducing 7 to 0 would be ideal.

Now you're catching on.

Too bad that you never will.

You can't have a sense of humor, if you have no sense.

Welcome to EDABoard.com

