Im trying to get my 50MHz clock down to 20MHz and am having some
problems getting what I want done. Basicly I want to run a loop on
every clock edge of my 50MHz clock, posedge and negedge. Is there a
way to do this?
The reason why I want to run on every edge is for the timing of it to
get a 20MHz clock out of it. The pulses I will be making on the 20MHz
clock output will not have a 50% duty cycle. Rather, I plan to make
the pulses 40ns high instead of the normal 50ns, and the low state
last for 60ns since this will sync up with my 50MHz clock nicley
having 20ns pulses. Im going to be triggering on the rising edge of
the 20MHz output clock so the falling edge does not matter as much is
its 10ns short.
Thanks for the help,
Im trying to get my 50MHz clock down to 20MHz and am having some
problems getting what I want done. Basicly I want to run a loop on
every clock edge of my 50MHz clock, posedge and negedge. Is there a
way to do this?
The reason why I want to run on every edge is for the timing of it to
get a 20MHz clock out of it. The pulses I will be making on the 20MHz
clock output will not have a 50% duty cycle. Rather, I plan to make
the pulses 40ns high instead of the normal 50ns, and the low state
last for 60ns since this will sync up with my 50MHz clock nicley
having 20ns pulses. Im going to be triggering on the rising edge of
the 20MHz output clock so the falling edge does not matter as much is
its 10ns short.
Thanks for the help,