Chris Gentry
I've googled for a 4bit LCD PIC program and I've come up with several. I'm
not really sure what I'm looking for though. I've been using a pic16f873a
uC, and every bit of assembly code I've tried to run for my LCD doesn't
work. I've checked the obvious, like contrast and physical hookups. My LCD
is a 24X2 character unit from crystalfontz.com. It has an industry standard
driver. Maybe someone here could point me in the right direction on where
to find simple, easy to use code to work my LCD in 4 bit mode. Short of
something that I can cut-n-paste, maybe someone could show me a good article
on LCD assembly programming for a PIC. I'm not afraid to research on this,
just would like your opinion on what code to use. Thanks...
not really sure what I'm looking for though. I've been using a pic16f873a
uC, and every bit of assembly code I've tried to run for my LCD doesn't
work. I've checked the obvious, like contrast and physical hookups. My LCD
is a 24X2 character unit from crystalfontz.com. It has an industry standard
driver. Maybe someone here could point me in the right direction on where
to find simple, easy to use code to work my LCD in 4 bit mode. Short of
something that I can cut-n-paste, maybe someone could show me a good article
on LCD assembly programming for a PIC. I'm not afraid to research on this,
just would like your opinion on what code to use. Thanks...