48V input 12V 3A output switching regulators?



I need to get a 3A 12V power supply from 48V but I am having trouble
finding suitable switching regulators. The best I have found so far are
the LT3430 and LT3431, but they can't quite handle the current. Can
anyone recommend a suitable regulator or controller?


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Gareth <gareth.harris@nobody.nowhere.invalid> wrote in message news:<GvZRa.827$xu.288817@newsfep2-gui.server.ntli.net>...
I need to get a 3A 12V power supply from 48V but I am having trouble
finding suitable switching regulators. The best I have found so far are
the LT3430 and LT3431, but they can't quite handle the current. Can
anyone recommend a suitable regulator or controller?

PT3323 (2.5A) and PT4485 (8.5A) from TI....

"Gareth" <gareth.harris@nobody.nowhere.invalid> wrote in message
I need to get a 3A 12V power supply from 48V but I am having trouble
finding suitable switching regulators. The best I have found so far are
the LT3430 and LT3431, but they can't quite handle the current. Can
anyone recommend a suitable regulator or controller?


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Gareth wrote:
I need to get a 3A 12V power supply from 48V but I am having trouble
finding suitable switching regulators. The best I have found so far are
the LT3430 and LT3431, but they can't quite handle the current. Can
anyone recommend a suitable regulator or controller?
Sorry, I am not familiar with all the latest part numbers, but I do
have a suggestion that might help you use a lower current part. If
you can find a part that has enough voltage rating and two output
phases that each swing through 0 to 50% duty cycle (as something
designed for a center tapped transformer or half bridge converter),
you can connect a bifilar wound transformer to step the pulses to 24
volts, requiring only half the input current peaks (1.5 amp through
the switches for 3 amps out.

Start of one winding and end of the other each connect to a switch to
48 volts and to the cathode of a diode that goes to ground. The other
two ends connect together, and become the 0 to 24 volt pulse output
that feeds an ordinary LC filter. A very modestly sized core can
perform this task, because the transformer handles only half of the
output power.

John Popelish
Gareth wrote:
I need to get a 3A 12V power supply from 48V but I am having trouble
finding suitable switching regulators. The best I have found so far are
the LT3430 and LT3431, but they can't quite handle the current. Can
anyone recommend a suitable regulator or controller?


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Thanks for the all replies.

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