A client came to me with a battery design that isn't meeting lifetime spec. The unit is a small transmitter to track people in hospital type environments.
The circuit runs off of a 3v battery. There is a 60k resistor from gpio output to the base of common emitter 3904. The collector is tied to one end of ferrite antenna. Other end is tied to 3v. 3904 is used between oscillator and the ferrite antenna.
My thumbnail analysis is that there is no control over the collector current outside of transistor beta. Battery lifetime is then dependent on beta
The best solution would be a part that has a narrow range of beta. I know that gain selected 3904 parts can be purchased, but they are sorted for minimum gain. I need a part that would be selected for a maximum gain.
I prefer not to open up the design to artwork changes, but am thinking a well bypassed emitter resistor may be the way to go.
Any thoughts?
The circuit runs off of a 3v battery. There is a 60k resistor from gpio output to the base of common emitter 3904. The collector is tied to one end of ferrite antenna. Other end is tied to 3v. 3904 is used between oscillator and the ferrite antenna.
My thumbnail analysis is that there is no control over the collector current outside of transistor beta. Battery lifetime is then dependent on beta
The best solution would be a part that has a narrow range of beta. I know that gain selected 3904 parts can be purchased, but they are sorted for minimum gain. I need a part that would be selected for a maximum gain.
I prefer not to open up the design to artwork changes, but am thinking a well bypassed emitter resistor may be the way to go.
Any thoughts?