315 mhz data transmission failed ... any comment



transmitter side LPC 2106 message is may day may day EP-3 .... repeat


pin2 txd
pin 5 gnd

push the reset

receiver side is connected a DB-9 and realterm, 9600 XP windows based system
( any rate that I possible that I can think of) 8n1 .

use usb 5V power

pin 3 rxd

pin 5 gnd

result: nothing, no garbage in realterm what so ever and I do not know why?

the lpc 2106 microcontroller run very steadily, unplug everything

both modules are about 1 meter apart, try tera term too. no results. any
On Thu, 22 Dec 2005 16:21:33 +0800, "computer" <us@chinadot.com> wrote:

transmitter side LPC 2106 message is may day may day EP-3 .... repeat


pin2 txd
pin 5 gnd

push the reset

receiver side is connected a DB-9 and realterm, 9600 XP windows based system
( any rate that I possible that I can think of) 8n1 .

use usb 5V power

pin 3 rxd

pin 5 gnd

result: nothing, no garbage in realterm what so ever and I do not know why?

the lpc 2106 microcontroller run very steadily, unplug everything

both modules are about 1 meter apart, try tera term too. no results. any
Are you sure you have the right assignment for pins 2 & 3?
Straight Through (DB-9)

DB-9 DB-9
Female Male
-------- --------
1 CD ------------ CD 1
2 TxD ------------ TxD 2
3 RxD ------------ RxD 3
4 DTR ------------ DTR 4
5 Gnd ------------ Gnd 5
6 DSR ------------ DSR 6
7 RTS ------------ RTS 7
8 CTS ------------ CTS 8
9 RI ------------ RI 9
Crossover (DB-9)

DB-9 DB-9
Male Male
-------- --------
1 CD ------------ CD 1
2 TxD ------------ RxD 3
3 RxD ------------ TxD 2
4 DTR ------------ DSR 6
5 Gnd ------------ Gnd 5
6 DSR ------------ DTR 4
7 RTS ------------ CTS 8
8 CTS ------------ RTS 7
9 RI ------------ RI 9
On Thu, 22 Dec 2005 20:02:20 +0800, "computer" <us@chinadot.com> wrote:

Straight Through (DB-9)

DB-9 DB-9
Female Male
-------- --------
1 CD ------------ CD 1
2 TxD ------------ TxD 2
3 RxD ------------ RxD 3
4 DTR ------------ DTR 4
5 Gnd ------------ Gnd 5
6 DSR ------------ DSR 6
7 RTS ------------ RTS 7
8 CTS ------------ CTS 8
9 RI ------------ RI 9
Crossover (DB-9)

DB-9 DB-9
Male Male
-------- --------
1 CD ------------ CD 1
2 TxD ------------ RxD 3
3 RxD ------------ TxD 2
4 DTR ------------ DSR 6
5 Gnd ------------ Gnd 5
6 DSR ------------ DTR 4
7 RTS ------------ CTS 8
8 CTS ------------ RTS 7
9 RI ------------ RI 9
Interesting - every document I've ever seen shows pin 2 as RxD and pin 3 as TxD
on a 9-pin D.
On 2005-12-22, computer <us@chinadot.com> wrote:
transmitter side LPC 2106 message is may day may day EP-3 .... repeat


pin2 txd
pin 5 gnd

push the reset

receiver side is connected a DB-9 and realterm, 9600 XP windows based system
( any rate that I possible that I can think of) 8n1 .
your PC will be looking for RS232 logic levels on the serial port,
is that what the receiver produces?

a few things to look at: ( you using an lpc development board like an
lpc-mt-2106? - some of the points below assume you are)

1) use lpc sample code that uses 232 to enusre it's not your code at fault
2) make sure your terminal program isnt using any handshaking, ie xon-xoff
or hardware.
3) if you have an oscilloscope use it to see if data really is coming out
of the lpc
4) if no o-scope, drop the baud rate as low as possible and use an led ( and
a resistor if needed) to see if you can observe data being tx'd ( if low
enough could probably use a mulitmeter to see the data too)
5) pin outs
d9 d25
txd 3 2
rxd 2 3

if the lpc is a dte then connect
lpc pc
txd to rxd

if its a dce then connect ( pretty sure the lpc is NOT dce)
lpc pc
rxd to rxd

6) if the lpc was working and now isn't (which appear to be the issue - from
your post i believe it was hooked up to a transmitter at one point and
working) then try the following
7)check the voltage test points on the lpc, the 3.3 and 1.8v in particular.
8) if they're ok, then check the data going into the max232 (with the
oscilloscope) to see if it's toggling correctly, may be a dead max232?
9) if the volts are ok and the data into the 232 isn't toggling then the arm
is most likley cactus, try some sample code that runs the buzzer or other
bits n pieces on the lpc

good luck

"computer" <us@chinadot.com> wrote in message news:43aa620b$1@
transmitter side LPC 2106 message is may day may day EP-3 .... repeat


pin2 txd
pin 5 gnd

push the reset

receiver side is connected a DB-9 and realterm, 9600 XP windows based
( any rate that I possible that I can think of) 8n1 .

use usb 5V power

pin 3 rxd

pin 5 gnd

result: nothing, no garbage in realterm what so ever and I do not know

the lpc 2106 microcontroller run very steadily, unplug everything

both modules are about 1 meter apart, try tera term too. no results. any

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