3.3v 6.144Mhz Crystal Oscillator - supplier?


Peter Neal

Can anyone suggest a supplier for the above component, preferably in a
non-SMD package and who will ship in small quantities to the uk?

I have googled a plenty but have drawn a blank...


Peter Neal <no@email.specified> wrote:
Can anyone suggest a supplier for the above component, preferably in a
non-SMD package and who will ship in small quantities to the uk?
Digi-Key lists a couple of brands of programmable oscillators that are
available in 3.3 V through-hole for about US$5-US$7 each. They program
them for you when you order. Getting one to the UK will probably cost
at least US$30, though. Standard disclaimers apply...

Matt Roberds
Can anyone suggest a supplier for the above component, preferably in a
non-SMD package and who will ship in small quantities to the uk?
I think many/most of the crystal/oscillator companies have always been
friendly to small orders at any specified frequency. You might look
for the type of part you want and then see if you can special
order the frequency you want.

I've been happy with Fox/JITO:

I don't know if they ship direct to Europe, but a bit of poking
on their web pages will find a list of reps/dealers.

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