2x Clock Multiplier Help



Hi All,

Been trying to get a clock multiplier working for a CPU project I am
working on, but I've had little luck.

http://i41.tinypic.com/ivuzvs.png is basically what I need to do.

Basically, I need to create a module to double the input clock speed.
I found a way to do this, but it is not synthesizeable with synopsys.

Current Code is:

module cu_timer(clk, reset, clk2);
input clk, reset;
output clk2;
reg clk2;
wire w1;

assign w1 = ~clk;

always @ (posedge w1 or negedge reset)

clk2 <= (reset) ? ~clk2 : 0;


The error I get while synthesizing is: Error: ./src/cu_timer.v:16:
Cannot test variable 'reset' because it was not in the event
expression or with wrong polarity. (ELAB-300)

You can see the manual page for this error here http://i39.tinypic.com/4v4c39.png
(I couldn't copy and paste out of my x11 window for some reason).

If anyone has any ideas on how to make this synthesizeable, that would
be greatly appreciated.

On Tue, 31 Mar 2009 17:30:10 -0700 (PDT), GamEmpire
<gamempire@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi All,

Been trying to get a clock multiplier working for a CPU project I am
working on, but I've had little luck.

http://i41.tinypic.com/ivuzvs.png is basically what I need to do.

Basically, I need to create a module to double the input clock speed.
I found a way to do this, but it is not synthesizeable with synopsys.

Current Code is:

module cu_timer(clk, reset, clk2);
input clk, reset;
output clk2;
reg clk2;
wire w1;

assign w1 = ~clk;

always @ (posedge w1 or negedge reset)

clk2 <= (reset) ? ~clk2 : 0;


The error I get while synthesizing is: Error: ./src/cu_timer.v:16:
Cannot test variable 'reset' because it was not in the event
expression or with wrong polarity. (ELAB-300)

You can see the manual page for this error here http://i39.tinypic.com/4v4c39.png
(I couldn't copy and paste out of my x11 window for some reason).

If anyone has any ideas on how to make this synthesizeable, that would
be greatly appreciated.

You are asking for a clock doubler/multiplier but you picture and your
logic suggests that you're trying to get a divided clock. If you
really want a divide by 2 clock as your logic suggests, that's easy.
However you can't easily multiply your clock by two.
Assuming you want a divider, you just need to fix your logic as
follows to make it synthesizable:

always @ (posedge w1 or negedge reset)
if (!reset)
clk2 <= 0;
clk2 <= ~clk2;

Muzaffer Kal

ASIC/FPGA Design Services
Hi Josh,

In your always you declare for negedge reset, so you're telling the
compiler that you want the always block to be entered when reset=1'b0

However, your code tests for "reset ?", which means reset = 1'b1

Try doing
clk2 <= (!reset) ? 0 : ~clk2;

What version of synopsys are you using ?

In any case Kal's code snippet is more elegant and is the way flops
are usually described and he's right, what you're describing is a
clock divider, not doubler.

Ciao, Marco.

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