I've just been done on ebay. Both output transistors on a Kenwood A-9
amplifier had blown. Ordered the pair from ebay, installed them
working, great. Turned it off to put it back together and noticed th
heatsink was really hot on the repaired side. I found that the bas
voltage on both transistors was low. Swapped both transistors from th
good side to the repaired side and its now fine. Put the new ones in th
good side the and now the good side has got hot and all the voltage
have dropped the same as they did when they were on the repaired side.
Does anyone know where i can get a genuine pair of these transistors a
a reasonable price
amplifier had blown. Ordered the pair from ebay, installed them
working, great. Turned it off to put it back together and noticed th
heatsink was really hot on the repaired side. I found that the bas
voltage on both transistors was low. Swapped both transistors from th
good side to the repaired side and its now fine. Put the new ones in th
good side the and now the good side has got hot and all the voltage
have dropped the same as they did when they were on the repaired side.
Does anyone know where i can get a genuine pair of these transistors a
a reasonable price