2SD2355 in Tv standby circuit - alternatives?



I'm currently working on a Tv with the ONWA chassis which refuses to
enter standby properly (line stage still runs). In the past on these
sets it was a matter of repalcing a couple of transistors, usually a
2SA1013 and 2SC2355. However this one uses, as Q507, a 2SD2335, which
is NPN I believe and which I'm having trouble finding. what else could
I use?
On 9 jul, 16:55, b <reverend_rog...@yahoo.com> wrote:
I'm currently working on a Tv with the ONWA chassis which refuses to
enter standby properly (line stage still runs). In the past on these
sets it was a matter of repalcing a couple of transistors, usually a
2SA1013 and 2SC2355. However this one uses, as Q507, a 2SD2335, which
is NPN I believe and which I'm having trouble finding. what else could
I use?
I've just sort of answered my own question .- contrary to the
information I had earlier, I have discovered that the 2SD2335 and
2SC2335 are both NPN, tho' the 2SC lacks the damper diode, I fitted it
and it seems OK. I don't think this application is very demanding and
it is possible the original was slightly over rated?? will keep under

"b" <reverend_rogers@yahoo.com> wrote in message
On 9 jul, 16:55, b <reverend_rog...@yahoo.com> wrote:
I'm currently working on a Tv with the ONWA chassis which refuses to
enter standby properly (line stage still runs). In the past on these
sets it was a matter of repalcing a couple of transistors, usually a
2SA1013 and 2SC2355. However this one uses, as Q507, a 2SD2335, which
is NPN I believe and which I'm having trouble finding. what else could
I use?

I've just sort of answered my own question .- contrary to the
information I had earlier, I have discovered that the 2SD2335 and
2SC2335 are both NPN, tho' the 2SC lacks the damper diode, I fitted it
and it seems OK. I don't think this application is very demanding and
it is possible the original was slightly over rated?? will keep under

In Japanese transistor nomenclature, "A" and "B" are used to designate PNP,
and "C" and "D" for NPN types

I've just sort of answered my own question .- contrary to the
information I had earlier, I have discovered that the 2SD2335 and
2SC2335 are both NPN, tho' the 2SC lacks the damper diode, I fitted it
and it seems OK. I don't think this application is very demanding and
it is possible the original was slightly over rated?? will keep under
This rings some bells...
When I repaired one of these chasis I was faced with the same problem.
I ordered the "original" 2SD2335 and received a much bigger transistor
(I belive was a PC monitor HOT), then I realized the original was not
correctly labeled and used a BUT11AF as a replacement, that was a much
better fit. It worked fine.

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